A CHALFORD lecturer came top of the class this week - braving the wrath of acid tongued Anne Robinson to win the Weakest Link.

Alex Cowan, of Rack Hill, Chalford, beat eight contestants ranging from an 18-year-old care worker to a 74-year-old professional pianist to win the £1,880 prize.

The show, broadcast on Wednesday, ended with a gripping sudden death final before he emerged victorious.

And the money could not have come at a better time for Alex, whose wife is expecting a baby in February.

He has already spent the money on home improvements, including a state-of-the-art new kitchen.

"I hoped to win the programme but never thought I would," said Mr Cowan, who teaches media studies at Cirencester College.

"It was really surprising how nervous simple questioning can make you and very frustrating when people forgot to bank and then answered incorrectly.

"There were a couple of tense moments when my head completely emptied itself of anything useful but all of a sudden I was watching the last contestant taking 'the walk of shame.'

"Anne Robinson kept appearing from the dark corners of the studio to fire questions and insults at us.

"I'd like to say that I managed to respond to her barbed criticisms with wit and panache but this was not the case.

"It was so hard to think of anything witty when you've been giggling so much as she verbally attacks the other contestants.

"When the filming was done, Anne immediately turned out to be the exact opposite of her show persona and my spirits were raised even more when a cheque was placed in my hand. I still can't get over quite how tiny she is in real life."