A TEENAGE motorcyclist sped away from a police car after being instructed to stop, a court heard.

Craig Niblett, 18, ignored the flashing blue lights on a police car in Stroud on February 27 and was only caught when he entered Frocester.

Sharon Jomaa, prosecuting at Stroud Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, said: "The defendant was riding his motorbike along Dr Newton’s Way in Stroud.

"Police officers saw the motorbike and noticed that the back light was defective.

"They followed him as he travelled into Cainscross and illuminated their lights.

"He failed to stop and made off at some speed.

"The officer then followed the vehicle out towards Eastington."

Another police officer later stopped the motorcycle as it travelled through Frocester.

Niblett was arrested and taken to Stroud police station.

During a police interview, he said he believed his licence had been revoked because he was a new driver and had been given a fixed penalty for no insurance.

He said he saw the blue lights and knew he should have stopped but tried to get away.

Niblett, of Stanton Road, Cashes Green, pleaded guilty to failing stop for a constable.

He also pleaded guilty to driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence but the charge was withdrawn after the court was told his licence was clean.

Defending himself, Niblett said: "I know I should not have driven off, I should have pulled over.

"It was a silly moment really and I do regret it."

He was fined £60 and told to pay £35 costs plus a £15 victim surcharge.