A POSITIVE change has taken place at a major Stroud car park which is hoped will boost the economy. 

In this week's column in the Stroud News and Journal, mayor Tony Davey explained that various groups across the area have recommended for the London Road Multi-storey (Brunel Mall) Car Park to have a counter. 

This counter - now in place - shows how many spaces are available, with Mr Davey saying that this can have a positive impact on the local economy. 

Mr Davey said: "Very often you can witness cars circling the outdoor car park looking for a space, where indoors there’s an abundance of space that can’t be seen.

"The end result can be people leaving, which has a negative impact on our economy.

"It’s taken a little while to source the best solution, and it’s going through a bedding in period, but this looks great and I feel it is set to make quite a difference.

"This is an example of how the Regeneration Working Group can bring the right parties together to make improvements for those who use the town.

"Incremental steps bring bigger improvements and change."