STROUD District Council have released a statement addressing concerns raised over the future of the sauna and steam room at Stratford Park Leisure Centre. 

SDC takes over the leisure centre on November 1 and concerns had been raised that the health suite (sauna and steam room) will shut after this date. 

However, SDC have since said this does not mean it will close permanently. 

An SDC spokesperson said it have needed 'significant investment' to make it safe and sanitary, which is why it will close next week. 

They said:  “On November 1, Stroud District Council will take back control of the leisure centre at Stratford Park, from the current contractor.

"Having reviewed the facility, it is clear that significant investment would be required in order to update the health suite of sauna and steam room and operate it as a safe and sanitary environment which is fit for the future.

“Therefore SDC will not be operating the suite at Active Lifestyles Stroud (formerly Stratford Park Leisure Centre) from the November 1.

"We appreciate that some leisure centre users will be disappointed but our number one priority is the safety of our customers.

“However SDC is undertaking a significant review of the Health, Wellbeing and Physical Activity service, and the provision of spa-type facilities across the district will be factored into any investment consideration.

“The council is investing £2.7million in to five-year repair programme to improve the 1975 centre.

"Initially the funding will pay for brickwork repairs, roofing, decoration, doors, flooring, air conditioning upgrades, lighting, and the external toilet block at the leisure centre.”