A CHARITY ball packed with entertainment and glamour is being organised in memory of a much-loved dad.

Rhianna McCrea is hosting the event in aid of the Focus charitable fund which supports cancer care at hospitals in Cheltenham and Gloucester by providing equipment and improving facilities.

The ball starts at 7pm on Saturday, October 12 at the Hill in Stroud with bucks fizz on arrival, a two course meal, a disco, photobooth, virtual horse racing, raffle and magic.

Tickets are £50 per person - to book just contact Rhianna on 0781 665 4987.

Rhianna has already had great support for raffle prizes from businesses and organisations including Giffords Circus, Egypt Mill, Simply Health Cotswold, AIS, Escape Rooms Cheltenham, Woodchester Valley vineyard, Starbucks in Stroud, SeaFlowers in Devon, Little Ginger, ATS in Stroud, PuttPutt Social in Gloucester, the Barber Box, Simpsons Fish and Chips, UK Process Valves and Stroud Alarms with Courts Flooring kindly sponsoring the night.

It was the loss of her dad to mantle cell lymphoma that inspired Rhianna to begin fundraising for cancer charities.

“Focus do fantastic work raising money for everything from research and new equipment to more everyday practical needs such as free parking for patients and wig funding,” she said.

“Having lost my father a years ago, I have seen up close and felt the hardship and pain cancer causes not just for the individuals with cancer but also for those close to them.

“After my father passed, I made a promise to myself that I would always do whatever I could to support those around me fighting this terrible disease.”

Rhianna’s first fundraising event was a quiz for family and friends which raised £800 towards mantle cell lymphoma research.

“Since then, I have seen more and more people around me being diagnosed with various forms of cancer so I decided to set up another local fundraising event,” she explained.

“This time I decided to choose Focus as they have a hand in supporting the Gloucester and Cheltenham oncology units in a variety of ways which I hoped would mean this fundraiser would resonate with more people locally as it would apply to many different types of cancer and not just focussing on one area.

“I think sometimes people get discouraged or worry that they can’t contribute significantly enough to causes. However, it really is the gesture and willingness to consider another person’s perspective that means the most to people.

“And I think that when we all make these ‘small gestures’ and come together as a community that’s when you see the real power in humanity, and that’s when we see real change happen.

“If anyone is interested in attending the ball or they would like to help or donate towards the event they can contact me on the number provided.

“I would like to take the time to thank to those who are supporting the charity by helping make this event happen.

“The Hill have been incredibly supportive right from the start, offering their beautiful venue for next to nothing. I would also like to thank my other suppliers Berry Blue, Chris Reads Minds and Dance off Mobile DJs for offering their services at incredibly discounted rates so that more money can be raised.

“With the cost of living increasing, many of us are feeling the pinch and I’m just so grateful to those that have supported and or donated towards this charity.”