A GIRL of 15 committed a criminal offence at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital and attacked police during a spree of shocking behaviour. 

She admitted nine offences over 18 days in Gloucester between July 2 and 19 this year.

Among the offences was causing a nuisance or disturbance to an NHS member of staff and refusing to leave Gloucestershire Royal Hospital when asked to do so.

She also admitted five counts of assault by beating, including two against police officers, and one of affray by using or threatening unlawful violence at when she appeared at Taunton Magistrates Court.

The youngster, from Highbridge near Taunton, also used threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to cause fear of or to provoke unlawful violence. 

And she admitted damaging a wireless router, wall and window to an unknown value of under £5,000 to Within Reach Services.

The teenager, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, was made the subject of a six-month Youth Rehabilitation Order for