A FAMOUS singer headlined a Stroud pub concert which raised over £10,000 for a suicide loss charity.

James Morrison performed at the event at The Old Crown in Paganhill on August 17, with his daughter Elsie also headlining.

The artist is known for tracks like Broken Strings and You Give Me Something.

The concert raised £10,600 for Sunflowers Suicide Support, which is based in Stonehouse and is focused on offering support to individuals who have been affected by deaths of this type.

600 people attended the event.

Other artists who performed at the concert included drum and bass DJ and producer Miller.

There were also food vendors and a raffle at the event, with 42 companies donating raffle prizes.

Businesses involved in making the event happen were MDL Kelex, KJS Construction, Speedy Hire in Gloucester and A Wheeler & Sons Transport.