A STROUD day centre for adults who have learning disabilities has opened a new sensory room.

The room at Stroud Community Hub in London Road offers a multipurpose sensory environment for adults and children in the Stroud area who are autistic or have learning disabilities or mental health issues.

It was officially opened on Friday, August 2 by Stroud MP Simon Opher.

Team leader Rob Clucas-Tomlinson said that the space will give users an environment to find peace or stimulation in.

“We had a room that was mainly being used as a storage space, and as we support adults with many different sensory and emotional needs, we thought a sensory room would be the perfect addition to our day centre,” he said.

“It’s been a year-long process getting it ready, with members of the team even giving up their free time to work on it.

“However, we are now thrilled to be able to offer it out as a resource, not only to our clients, but also to people in the local community who are looking for a safe space to relax and restore their equilibrium.

“We would be happy to hear from social care professionals and prescribers.

“It’s also the perfect place for parents to bring their babies.”

Part of the Guideposts Trust charity, Stroud Community Hub is a place where adults with learning disabilities can come together to make friends, learn new skills and get involved in the community.

Members can choose to attend groups they are interested in, whether to enjoy social activities, get creative or develop life skills.

The space will be available from Monday to Friday by appointment.

An online booking page for the room will be available to use soon.

To find out more in the meantime, call 01453 767888 or email Gloucestershire@guideposts.org.uk