So..only in power for a few weeks and already the rot has set in…

Firstly a heartless attack on Pensioners  Winter Fuel Payment…that’s really going to ease their financial burden..

Secondly major construction cancelled which would have provided many jobs and employment..(get Britain building? What a laugh)

Thirdly capitulating to their masters in the trade union movement (BMA now, many others will follow)

Fourthly a thinly veiled attack on the Green Belt. Calling some of it Grey Belt..(who decides what is “good” Green Belt and what is bad?

Add to this toadying up to the hated EU and we can see how things are degenerating as they usually do under Labour


If some folk thought that the last few years were bad then I can only quote the words of a well know song...


“You aint seen nothing yet”


K D R Astridge  
