Well we can’t say we didn’t have much of a summer now, can we? What a heat!
August markets were superbly busy with visitors from all over the globe which is marvellous for the stallholders as many locals are off on their travels. 
Last weekend, the Womad weekend was indeed missing many locals, which you could tell by seeing how well the milk and eggs had done. 
For them it wasn’t a dramatically busy day, despite the streets heaving with visitors.
My Pastaliscious return this week for a once per month slot after a very long time away, with their homemade fresh pasta and other Italian delights, both savoury and sweet. 
If you are in need of refreshment, can their be anything better than cherries, or strawberries or even raspberries, or plums? Probably water is more thirst quenching but summer fruits deliver when the temperatures rise. 
Otherwise, Wine! Ice cold Bow in the Cloud Vineyard bubbly perhaps, or the VQ carrot wine on ice? Ice cold cider or perry in the late afternoon is sure to sooth thy sweating brow. 
A can of ice cold Stroud Brewery poured over the head may be necessary! It’s organic!
If it is going to be as hot as today (Tuesday) on Saturday it would be advisable to come early and get back in the shade of your homes or a nice town restaurant before the afternoon gets set in. I imagine packing away will be a slow hot slog.