WEEKLY column by Stroud MP Dr Simon Opher 

This week saw the Government delivering on our flagship manifesto promise to launch Great British Energy, owned by us all, designed to tap our natural resources and bring energy security with abundant sustainably produced zero carbon electricity. 

The new Bill was accompanied by the announcement of a new partnership with the Crown Estate which has a huge land and seabed portfolio that could host 20-30 gigawatts of offshore wind power. 

That’s nearly double the UK's current capacity - enough to power up to 20 million homes.

It’s a major step towards our mission for clean electricity by 2030, bringing bills down for good and giving us real energy security.

Those of you who follow these things might remember I’ve been leading a cross party group in Stroud with the ambition to create locally-owned, green community energy projects throughout the district. 

The new Government brings these ambitions one step closer and we’re now actively looking for projects to support, particularly rooftop solar and small scale wind power.

If you have a commercial or community building, factory or officeblock you’d like to turn into a green power plant, please let me know at Simon.Opher.MP@parliament.uk

Speaking of abundant natural energy, this week also saw Team GB’s Olympic athletes heading to Paris.

We wish them all the best of luck, especially our very own Pfeiffer Georgi who’ll be carrying the torch for cyclists across Stroud district and beyond. Good luck Pfeiffer!

Big sporting events like the Olympics always boost interest and activity at home.

A colleague reminded me of the great work the team at The Bike Drop does in providing refurbished bikes for people looking to get back in the saddle

If you’re inspired to dust off the bicycle clips but need a decent machine, maybe head down to Brimscombe and give them a go.