MEMBERS from a Stroud-based charity recently took a once-in-a-lifetime trip to one of the county's most iconic football stadiums. 

Allsorts AllStars football team recently visited Arsenal to take part in a unique opportunity to play against the Arsenal Foundation Multi-Ability Football Team and access the Arsenal Emirates Stadium tour. 

The Emirates Stadium has been the home of the Arsenal's men - and as of next season the women - teams since the club moved there in 2006. 

(Image: All Sorts Gloucestershire) A spokesperson for the charity said: "Our players said they had a great day and played superbly against strong Arsenal sides.

"Lots of learning was taken away for the team and day has helped prepare them for the 2024/25 Gloucestershire FA Ability Counts Season.

"We would like to extend huge thanks to the following people for making this opportunity become a reality: Luke Howard from the Arsenal Foundation for being so welcoming and accommodating, Darren Brown from Enrights of Cheltenham for driving us and being so flexible around what we needed, Stroud Rotary for funding this experience for Allsorts Football Players.

"A special thank you to Laura Stewart of Stroud Rotary for all of her hard work helping us to secure funding.

(Image: All Sorts Gloucestershire)

"A fantastic experience and special memories created for all who took part.

"The players now look forward to football camps throughout the summer and a successful 2024/25 season ahead."

Laura Stewart from Stroud Rotary added: "I was contacted by a friend of Allsorts explaining they had been offered a once in a lifetime opportunity to visit the Emirates Stadium to play a match against Arsenal's own disability team however they had no way of getting there without paying out over £1000 for coach travel.

"We had some money available from our recent community job fair which took place in April and this seemed a perfect venture to support.

"Allsorts are one of Stroud Rotary Clubs charity partners this year and we look forward to supporting them further over the coming months."