Last week marked the end of the consultation period for the green paper on welfare reform. It is disappointing to say the least that the new Government did not scrap this reckless assault on Disabled People in exactly the same way they did the equally inhuman Rwanda bill.

When many hundreds of thousands of us lent Labour our votes in a massive exercise of tactical voting earlier this month , we did not do so for Labour to be some sort of tribute Tory act, we did it because we had had enough of the Tories, in removing 250 Tory MP's we demonstrated that Governments that fail the people can, and will be removed, they would do well to remember that.

What is needed is a new, constructive approach to Disability benefits , based on pragmatism, and fairness. PIP has been a failure because it was introduced for all the wrong reasons, and on the wrong basis, the Green Paper makes the same mistakes , only in a far more extreme , irresponsible way if we are ever to get Disability Benefits right the paper must be scrapped, thus far Liz Kendall has declined to say what the position is, this is quite baffling , and leaves one to wonder what on earth in the Green Paper Labour thinks is worth considering.

Finally numerous Charities have slammed the paper, and have expressed frustration, and surprise that Labour did not scrap it, Labour needs to come clean about it's intentions where Disabled People are concerned , they were trusted not to be as bad as the Tories, and would be wise not to breach that trust.

Kevin Ellis
