AN UPDATE has been released over controversial plans to demolish a recently closed car dealership and build more than 30 homes. 

In July Bristol Street Motors situated in London Road closed its doors for good - the site had been used for the motor trade for six decades. 

At the beginning of May plans were submitted to SDC to build 35 residential dwellings, two vehicular access points - one off London Road and another off Arundell Mill Lane plus open space. 

According to the plans the properties would entail 9 three-bed houses, 17 two bed apartments plus 9 one-bed maisonettes. 

There would also be 45 parking spaces - 26 to be allocated for flats/maisonettes, 18 for houses and 5 for unallocated visitors. 

Following concerns, the proposed redevelopment of the former Ford dealership site in London Road was further scrutinised by SDC who ‘called in’ the plans. 

This came after Stroud Town Council's consultations and highways committee – plus concerned local residents - submitted objections to the plans. 

Key issues raised in the town council committee’s response include the 'lack of affordable housing provision', 'insufficient electric vehicle charging points', 'potential flood risk from water flowing down the hill and not draining properly' plus 'inadequate bin storage and lack of access for refuse vehicles, forcing collection from the main road'. 

Planning officers from Stroud District Council have now advised members of the Development Control Committee to reject the application after highways, Stroud Town Council and residents raised further objections in recent weeks. 

After their initial comments in May, an STC spokesperson wrote on July 8: "There are still concerns over parking, even if the current proposals meet minimum standards.

"In the context of poor traffic management on Arundel Mill Lane, there is already a contrived lack of interest in addressing this and there is a possibility of it getting worse because of this proposed development.

"Stroud District Council should have considered this site for employment purposes beforehand. 

"Affordable housing is being considered retrospectively when this should have been submitted with the application.

"We question ownership and responsibilities of Arundel Mill Lane over which the developer has chosen to make an access.

"This lane is unadopted. How will right of access be granted?"

A Gloucestershire Highways spokesperson - on July 17 - said that they recommended the application be deferred.

On July 10 members from SDC's planning strategy said: "The application is contrary to the adopted Local Plan and Draft Local Plan subject to examination.

"Consequently, it is recommended that this planning application should be refused, unless material considerations indicate otherwise."

A planning statement, prepared by Pegasus Group on behalf of Altus Homes, read: "The proposed development has been carefully designed to make efficient use of the land and respect its position on the outskirts of the town centre and within the built- up urban area.

"The design has had regard to the site’s location in the built- up urban area, but also in proximity of the Cotswolds AONB and conservation areas in Stroud.

"It has been carefully designed to integrate into the street scene and to take account of the levels changes across the site, whilst also considering potential effects on nearby residential amenity, privacy concerns and overlook. 

"The application proposes the redevelopment of a brownfield site in a sustainable, urban location.

"The development proposals would be an efficient and effective use of this under utilised site."

Search for S.24/0826/FUL on the SDC to see the plans or visit -