COLUMN by Stroud mayor Tony Davey 

WHAT a week it’s been in Stroud!

I thought I’d give you a quick rundown of what’s been happening around town.

First off, we kicked things off with a bang at the Stroud Country Show. Can you believe it’s been going for 154 years?

I had the honour of opening it with our new MP, Dr Simon Opher. It was a blast meeting everyone and checking out all the stalls. Our Green Spaces Team was there too, talking about butterflies as part of The Big Butterfly Count!

Monday rolled around, and we had a full council meeting. We had Kathy O’Leary, the district council CEO, pop in to give us her perspectives. It’s all about working together across the different tiers of government to make Stroud even better.

I had a great catch-up with the new manager at Five Valleys Shopping Centre. Things are looking up there - fewer parking complaints and more shops opening. It’s good to see a mix of local and big-name stores.

Midweek, I popped into St Laurence’s Church for a presentation about an exciting new project they’re developing.

It’s not just about the church - they’re thinking big, including Bank Gardens, The Shambles, and more. Watch this space!

Thursday was all about town improvements. We’re talking better bus stops, real-time info boards, and even cycle paths.

There’s a lot of scaffolding around town, but trust me, it’s a good sign!

By the way, have you seen the consultation about the new bus hub? Make sure you have your say! Stroud Merrywalks Transport Hub Engagement | Have Your Say Gloucestershire (

Top tip: if you’re driving into town, parking’s free after 2pm in the London Road car parks. Perfect for a bit of afternoon shopping, right?

That’s it from me this week. Fingers crossed some lovely weather sticks around!