WEEKLY Column by Stroud MP Dr Simon Opher 

Last week someone said to me, “This is a marathon, not a sprint.” Well from where I’m standing it doesn’t feel like it.

The blistering pace the Government set in the first few days continued into this week with 40 new items of legislation signalled in the King’s Speech.

From water companies to workers’ rights, from education to energy, from housing to high streets, and from buses to budget responsibility, it was all there

 A solid programme to tackle the challenges and get the country back on its feet.

When the Government said we were standing for election on a platform of change, they weren’t kidding.

It really feels like a fresh breeze of renewal blowing down every street, across every field, right across the district.

Beneath every headline item, there’s a detailed package of legislation.

Well thought through, costed and considered. Putting the lie to the charge that ‘Labour didn’t have a plan.’ There was clearly a plan. A very detailed plan, that has been months, if not years, in the making.

That is very reassuring. It’s almost as if the country has heaved a great, collective sigh of relief.

The grown ups are back in charge.

Speaking of grown ups, probably the main highlight of the week for me was hosting 70 young people and their teachers from Foxmoor Primary School on their visit to the Houses of Parliament.

70 fresh, curious minds, eager to learn about how our laws are made, what happens in the chamber of the House of Commons, and where Guy Fawkes tried to blow it all up.

A delightful contrast to the rest of the week.

It’s so important for us all to have young people engaged in politics.

After all, they will inherit the decisions we make now and in the years ahead. If they can be a part of that, so much the better.

They could be voting in the next election but one.

If you’d like to arrange a visit for your school, please let me know. I’d love to see you.