Having a keen user of the busses in and out of Stroud I have often wondered why this ‘temporary measure’ initiated by Councillor N Student-Kennedy (Kings Stanley) was never updated.

I have often spent a good 20 minutes or so, standing in the pouring rain or howling winds here or Both! Wondering why ? And why do the passengers have to cross a main Trunk Road to access their connections.

My thoughts suggest that the 2 lanes of the A46 be re-aligned encompassing part of the Old Convent car park (not all of it) with a single buses only lane heading south alongside

All the busses park 'nose in' towards the Cinema using part of the broad pedestrian paving in a similar arrangement to the Gloucester Bus Station.

By judging the street map image there would appear to be sufficient room for this, thus keeping pedestrians safely sheltered from the main traffic flow, winds and rain!

Currently some busses need to negotiate the roundabout at the north end in front of the old Magistraates Court; the same could apply to the magic roundabout at the south end or possibly in the SDC Car Park below Rowcroft Medical Centre.

I hope you have a good response to your request for “Improvements to the Bus Station"

Andrew Cameron-Tillett
