PLANS have been put forward to turn a derelict shop in Chalford into a holiday let

A planning application has been submitted to transform the old Sawyers Electrical store in Brantwood Corner, which closed down in 2021. 

Floor plans show the property would be turned into a one-bedroom house with a kitchen, living room and bathroom, replacing its shop floor and store room. 

According to the planning application, the property is currently in “a poor state of repair” and its former use as a local shop is no longer a “viable option”. 

In a supporting letter from estate agents Hawkins Watton, a spokesperson said in a statement “there is practically no demand for the property in its current commercial use”.

“We conclude that the insignificant level of demand for this property given its location makes it not viable as a community venture,” they added. 

So far, the application has received one objection from Chalford Parish Council citing concerns over "commercial infrastructure". 

They said: “The parish council is greatly concerned that the community relatively lacks social
and commercial infrastructure and wants to preserve opportunities for such use and has
reservations about additional holiday lets. 

“In this instance, SDC Policy EI6 criteria for change includes, inter alia, that 'current or previous use is no longer viable'. 

“Although an agent's opinion is included with this application the rent at which the property has been marketed is, we believe, two to three times the market rent and so is not a reasonable test of this condition.”

A planning document reads: “The proposal seeks to make better use of the building by converting the space into a holiday let to generate an income and bring small-scale tourism to the area.

It continues: “Currently the building is in a poor state of repair and would need to be subject to replacement and improvements, of such would enhance the surrounding area and setting.”

The application was submitted by applicant Nigel Foster to Stroud District Council on June 24.

You can view the application quoting S.24/1152/FUL or see here -