CHILDREN at St Joseph's Catholic Primary School in Nympsfield had another fun packed week this year for their health week. 

This year, they had talks about healthy eating and the importance of keeping their teeth clean, Zumba, football coaching, running, dance pop, street and musical theatre, a talk about the importance of a daily routine and the impact that has on our health and wellbeing and positive thinking.

Every day started with a run, supported by some parents.

The school's sports crew, responsible for leading sport across the school, led some daily exercises after lunch for the rest of the school.

(Image: Supplied) Sports day was completed despite the questionable weather. 

On Wednesday the children completed a sponsored run to raise money for Read With Me.

This is a charity that trains volunteers to come into school and support children with their reading, something that many of our children benefit from.

This was a way to give something back to them to thank them for all of their support.

The week ended with ‘bounce’, where the children had their own mini trampoline and played games and were challenged to complete various activities – all of the children really enjoyed this.

Headteacher Clare Howells said: "It was such a great week,  we are so lucky with the support of staff and parents who enable us to provide such exciting and valuable learning experiences for all of our children."