COLUMN by Stroud District Council leader Catherine Braun 

There was a real buzz at the General Election count in Stroud on Thursday evening and into the early hours of Friday morning, and I was pleased to see a good turnout (70.1%) for the Stroud constituency.

The process ran very efficiently, with results declared before 2 am, earlier than expected.

A huge ‘thank you’ to everyone involved in organising and managing the election process! Stroud district spans three constituencies: Stroud, North Cotswolds and South Cotswolds, and I’ve congratulated our new MPs and look forward to working with them on local issues.

This week the Strategy and Resources Committee meets for the first time since our own local elections in May.

We’ll be discussing a big investment to maintain the Stratford Park Leisure Centre building and the mechanical plant which runs the Lido, much of which is more than 70 years old!

We’re proposing a 5 year capital investment programme to keep these valued local leisure facilities running smoothly. If the Committee approves the investment, it will need to be ratified by Full Council next week.

Community Wealth Building is another important item for discussion. This is all about taking a more people-centred approach to economic development, working in partnership to redirect wealth back into the local economy, through actions on procurement, employment, land and other areas. If the recommendations are approved, council officers will develop a detailed action plan.

The Strategy & Resources Committee is also an opportunity to share updates from recent project and county-level meetings, such as the new Gloucestershire City Region Board and the Leadership Gloucestershire group which I attend with the Chief Executive.

There’s an interesting update in this section about NHS dental services, and I was pleased to hear about an increase in capacity for urgent appointments. Committee papers can be found online: https://stroud.