THURSDAY night's hustings at St Laurence's Church was one of the last times Stroud voters could hear their candidates make the case for themselves and their parties ahead of next week's general election. 

The hustings - which saw questions asked about assisted dying, Gaza, International Aid, the wealth gap, transgender rights and Brexit - came as voters go to the polls on Thursday, July 4. 

Attending the hustings were Siobhan Baillie (Conservative), Dr Simon Opher (Labour), Pete Kennedy (Green Party), George James (Liberal Democrats) and Jason Hughes (Volt UK)

Reverend Simon Helme, minister of Rodborough Tabernacle, chaired the spirited but lively debate. 

(Image: Newsquest) He said: "It was good to hear the candidates delve into these social and moral questions and hear their stances on them.

"I appreciated their honesty and integrity.

"I was left reflecting that we in the Stroud Constituency are fortunate in having in the mainstream parties good quality principled candidates to select from.

"I hope the hustings helped those present to decide who gets their vote."

After the hustings, the candidates have told the SNJ how they have found the campaign as well as explaining why they think you should vote for them. 

Siobhan Baillie, Conservative. 

It’s been humbling to talk to so many people during the campaign who know I have worked hard for Stroud, the Valleys and Vale. 

Some are frustrated with the Conservative government, but this election is not a referendum on the past – although the opposition would like it to be – it is about our country’s future.

Rishi Sunak has done a good job setting us on the right track post pandemic.

Inflation is down to target level, interest rates will follow, energy bills are going down, employment is good and the economy is growing.

(Image: Supplied)

The choice is more of the same with Rishi’s plan or a leap into socialist Britain with a man who changes his mind like the wind. 

Listening to my Labour opponent over the last week at hustings is like listening to Jeremy Corbyn’s party again. 

National newspapers have covered his comments which have been so bizarre at times and he has said he will fight his own party on so many issues, he will not have any time to get things done for you here. 

This is a small example of who will be running the country, if Labour wins. I can only say to the good people of Stroud: there is another way. 

I have proved I can deliver locally and still land big national changes like childcare reform. I can do more if you let me.

Dr Simon Opher, Labour 

I’m enormously proud to be representing a changed Labour Party with such a strong manifesto.

And if I’m elected, it’ll be an honour to represent the people of Stroud constituency in Westminster.

The best thing about this campaign has been the chance to meet literally thousands of voters right across the constituency.

Almost everyone I’ve spoken to is desperate for change, and desperate for a government that will act in the best interests of the public and the country. But to do this we need a Labour government.

We’ve got to get the Tories out.

Labour has a costed, solid plan to fix the Tory mess and deliver real change for people, for communities, for the environment and for future generations. 

Realistically, only Siobhan Baillie or I will be Stroud’s MP next week. Despite what the polls might suggest, the election in Stroud is not in the bag.

About 30 per cent of voters are still undecided, so it really could go either way.

The only way to be sure of getting the result we need is to vote Labour - a vote for any other party risks another five years of Tory failure.

So please, vote for me next Thursday and be part of the change we need.

Pete Kennedy, Green Party

Every Green vote sends a powerful message to Westminster. It says we demand better than Sir Keir Starmer and Rishi Sunak. It says Stroud constituency is leading the way to a greener, fairer future. This Thursday, let's make that message impossible to ignore.

In every hustings debate and every conversation, I've shown how the Green Party manifesto will tackle the climate and ecological emergencies and secure a better life for everyone. I've warned that the Conservative and Labour manifestos commit to further austerity cuts and underinvestment in our area.

Here in Stroud, we've seen first hand how Green policies transform communities. Green councillors have worked with other parties to protect local services, reduce our environmental impact, and secure our future.

Just two months ago, Greens won the most votes in Stroud's council elections. That reflected our area's unique spirit and demand for a greener future. Tens of thousands have proven that voting Green isn't just a protest – it's a vote for real, positive change.

As your MP, I'll be your strong Green voice in Parliament holding Starmer’s Labour government accountable. Tactical voting is a wasted vote this time. Choose Green for real hope and real change.

Jason Hughes, VOLT UK 

Who am I?

I’m Jason, I work in child protection keeping vulnerable children safe; I also help victims of domestic abuse and those blighted by addiction, discrimination and prejudice.

I am a volunteer football coach and helped create the Cotswold Vintage league (Chalford won it this year with strong competition from Kings Stanley, Wotton and Stonehouse)!

Why am I standing?

The Tories have failed us, and I see little difference with Labour. People are voting to get the Tories out, not to get Labour in. This is sad. Neither have the vision or leadership to be bold and do something different.

(Image: Supplied) During this campaign I have met and shared hustings with my fellow candidates, all of whom are lovely, intelligent, hard-working and caring people.

We all have similar values, so it is sad that the current system divides us whereas we need to unite to tackle global climate change, immigration, nationalism, housing and the cost-of-living crisis.

VOLT are a fresh, vibrant, new, political party that wants to bring about a political, social and economic renaissance. We want to reconnect us all to each other and to our communities.

I am asking Stroud to be daring and Vote Volt for a change for the better.

George James (Lib Dems) and Christopher Lester have been approached for comment. 

The below will be updated, but for fairness, this is what they told the SNJ a few weeks ago about themselves. 

George James, Liberal Democrats 

In particular, I understand the intricate needs of both students and educational institutions.

My commitment to education is evident in my advocacy for better funding for further education (FE), recognising the miraculous jobs colleges do despite financial constraints.

My dedication to the community extends beyond the classroom.

(Image: Supplied) As a former councillor of eight years, I have a strong record of action, working on behalf of residents on issues such as improving local infrastructure, supporting new play equipment, supporting our county councillors with saving bus routes and standing up for those who need it.

I demonstrated a commitment to inclusivity, quality, and innovation, promising a brighter educational future for the constituency.

By focusing on high-quality teaching and targeted academic support, I aim to address the disparities in education quality and access.

My vision for Stroud includes a tiered model that focuses on these aspects, alongside wider strategies like improving attendance and school planning support, to ensure that all students, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds, can flourish.

Education is the cornerstone of a brighter future, both for individuals and our planet.

Through learning, people gain the skills and knowledge to secure better jobs, improve their health, and participate actively in society.”

Christopher Lester, Reform UK 

I would now like to utilise my management and personnel skills in a new direction.

I am standing because I was so disillusioned by the Conservative party.

I want lower tax by raising the threshold on both the 20 per cent and 40 per cent taking poor out of tax but also incentivizing people to seek promotion with more money in their pockets they would buy more so the economy would grow.

(Image: Supplied) I want to lower corporation tax to help companies to grow, cut the waste out of the NHS, train more doctors and scrap the cap on the number that can get on the training.

I also want net zero to go to let the markets dictate the pace of decarbonization, take the boats back to France and in terms of immigration there should be one out one in."

The SNJ could not find any contact details for Saskia Whitfield - if anyone from her campaign wants to e-mail feel free