A STROUD-based company has now been appointed to lead the renovation and upgrade of a closed GP surgery. 

In February it was revealed that the town council was seeking a potential move from their London Road base to the former Locking Hill surgery site. 

The council is currently based at Thanet House in London Road, but it has been looking at moving to the former Locking Hill surgery site which closed at the end of 2022 after the Five Valleys Medical Centre opened in King Street. 

The council has now appointed Extended Studio, a Stroud based architecture practice, to lead the renovation and upgrade of the former surgery. 

The town council says the project aims to 'transform the dated medical facility into a modern, multi-use community space, serving all of Stroud's residents.'

Extended Studio specialises in sustainable design and community-focused projects.

With the architects on board, the town council added that it is confident the Locking Hill Surgery renovation will result in a 'modern, welcoming space that better serves residents for decades to come.'

Tom Sykes, co-founder of Extended Studio, said: "We're thrilled to be working on this important project for Stroud.

(Image: Supplied) "Our values are centred around creating spaces that bring people together and make a positive impact.

"The Locking Hill Surgery renovation is a great opportunity, allowing us to breathe new life into an existing building while better meeting the needs of the local community."

Town Clerk/CEO Helen Bojaniwska highlighted the council's extensive consultation efforts to understand what Stroud wants from the new space.

She said: "We have sent questionnaires to partner organisations, charities, community hubs, schools and more to really listen to the needs of our residents.

"The overriding message from you was a desire for an accessible, multi-use facility that strengthens connections between residents and their most local tier of government."

Tom Sykes has begun the preliminary work by meeting with Stroud Town Council staff and councillors

He explained: "I want to ensure we capture as much of their vision and the public's wants for this transformative project as we can."

Laura Beattie, community development officer, is keen to promote the new premises as a vibrant community asset.

She said :"We hope to co-create the space by hosting workshops, social gatherings, group activities, presentations and all sorts of events put on by local organisations.

"Extended Studio's community-focused approach makes them ideally suited to help make this a reality."

Residents are welcome to send their perspectives about Locking Hill and what should be prioritised there to council@stroudtowncouncil.gov.uk and organisations who would like to make use of the space are encouraged to reach out to describe their requirements.