A PRIMARY school near Stroud celebrated its 150th birthday with a historic day, costume parade and Open House. 

Passers-by in Chalford Hill last week may have been surprised to see a Victorian headmaster, complete with bowler hat and frock coat, standing smartly outside the village primary school, welcoming children who were dressed from every era since Chalford Hill Primary School  first opened its doors in 1874.

The dressing up was all part of bringing the history of the school and its local community to life.

Children were able to explore local artefacts, experience a Victorian-style classroom and hear what school life was like for their own teachers back in the 60s and 70s.

(Image: Supplied) In stark contrast to Victorian instruction, children at the present-day Chalford Hill School are given as many opportunities as possible to participate in their learning, said headteacher David Poad. 

He said: “When children actively experience what they are learning about, we know that they are more likely to engage deeply, retain information better, and develop important social and emotional skills.

"Active and experiential learning is central to our approach here at Chalford Hill”.

(Image: Supplied) Staff and pupils were thrilled to welcome back more than 70 former pupils and staff for an Open Morning event, at which the school’s new mural depicting its rich history was formally unveiled.

Former headteacher Jim Bocock presented each child with a book chronicling the school’s vital place in its community.

Mr Poad added: “The life of the school is intertwined with our lives and the lives of those who have gone before us.

"From humble beginnings in 1874, with 100 children in one room, the school has grown into today’s version – 7 classes, almost 200 children, woods, lots of spaces to play in, and an outdoor classroom.

"We have everything we need to learn and to be happy.”