A BELOVED lollipop lady described as a 'guardian angel' has received a prestigious award for her decades of service. 

Gloria Hobday, a pillar of the Horns Road community, was awarded Stroud Town Council's Annual Community Award at an event held in The Cotswold Playhouse in May.

The dedicated lollipop lady of over 25 years attended the awards in disbelief at receiving such public praise and a certificate of recognition.

Despite her years of quiet service, Gloria seemed genuinely surprised to receive such an honour, but her bright smile lit up the room.

(Image: Thousand Words Media) Mayor Tony Davey presented Gloria with the award, giving a heartfelt speech about her selfless contributions to the community.

He said: "Gloria Hobday is a pillar of the Horns Road community and the wider Stroud district.

"Her selfless and thoughtful service as a lollipop person for over 25 years has made an immense impact on keeping local children safe. 

"The role of a lollipop person is absolutely vital, especially on one of the most dangerous junctions in Stroud where Gloria faithfully stood guard.

"She ensured generations of kids could cross the road safely to and from school each day.

"Now in her mid-seventies, she remains steadfastly committed to the wellbeing of the children, getting to know them all and looking out for them long after they've grown up and no longer need her help crossing the road.

"Her cheerful and caring presence is a reassuring constant.

"More than just a lollipop lady, Gloria is deeply embedded in the micro-community of Old Stroud.

"She serves as a night warden and lends her support to the SVS and church, amongst many other places.

"Her selfless contributions span decades and have touched countless lives. Gloria's long-standing service to making her community safer, supportive and more connected is truly deserving of recognition through this award."

Horn’s Road residents have erected a carved slate plaque in her spot, declaring it ‘Gloria’s Corner’.

A spokesperson from Stroud Valley School said: “Gloria ensures student safety with unwavering vigilance while radiating kindness that brightens every child's day.

"A true guardian angel, she exemplifies selfless service, creating a nurturing environment that extends far beyond her crossing guard duties.”