A CAFE near Stroud has been granted permission to sell alcohol every day of the week.

Adam Knight has been granted a premises licence for The Rest in King’s Stanley near Stonehouse.

The Rest is a cafe that serves coffee, breakfast, light meals and cakes and includes an outdoor seating area and car park.

It is located in part of a converted barn in Broad Street on the edge of the village.

There was previously a premises licence in place for the building when the previous operator was running a café at this site called Boho Bakery.

However, that licence was surrendered in 2023 and that operator moved to other premises.

Last October both gable ends of the barn were enclosed with new double-glazed doors and Mr Knight, the owner of Court Farm decided to reopen and operate the café himself and renamed it as The Rest.

Three temporary event notices have been submitted this year for events at the venue including a music gig and sale of alcohol at a dog show.

Seven objections were raised against the premises licence application from residents who live in Borough Close.

Their main concern is that the sale of alcohol would cause a noise nuisance as they can already hear the voices of customers seated outside at the Rest.

They felt that if sale of alcohol is granted the noise will get louder and more cause nuisance and disturbance.

Mr Knight told Stroud District Council’s licensing committee that he did not want the premises licence to run a pub.

“I want to run a cafe,” he said. “If we opened every day it would be me who would have to be there keeping an eye on things.

“You’re not going to get staff to to that every day. The staff we have are geared up to work till 4pm.

“That’s the sort of venue that we run. It’s not a pub. It’s not going to become a pub.

“In many ways the days of the great British pub are almost in terminal decline. People’s drinking habits have changed.”

Mr Knight explained that he did not want to run events late into the night and has turned away several bookings for events.

“The reason we’ve turned down all but one of the weddings is I don’t want to go on until midnight or 1am in the morning. That’s not my life.

“We have turned them away and told them we can’t do it. The events we have had we have made very clear that the last drink will be at 10.30pm and you must be out by 11pm.

Legal adviser Sarah Farooqi read out the decision made by the licensing panel.

She said they considered all the representation and noted concerns raised and the explanations from Mr Knight.

“The panel are satisfied the licensing objectives have been met and have therefore granted the application as requested,” she said.

“The panel have note that the applicant has explained the sale of alcohol will stop at 10.30pm and the premises close dot on at 11pm closed at the latest.”

The licence granted allows the sale of alcohol from 10am to 11pm daily and the opening hours will be from 8.30am to 11pm.