ACTION has been taken to tackle horrendous fly-tipping which was turning a key site in the heart of Stroud into an eyesore.

Fawkes Place, which is a disabled car park, has long been blighted by fly-tipping in a large trade waste storage area causing the site to look unsightly and raising environmental health concerns.

In recent months several shocking pictures have been posted on social media showing dozens of bin bags left at the site with fears raised that it could attract vermin as well as being an eyesore.

Action has now been taken with hopes that the area could be transformed ‘into an asset for the town’.

(Image: Newsquest) The storage area has been fenced off and CCTV installed while a community clean-up was held there with more actions to follow.

Following a meeting of the town council’s regeneration committee, it was also made clear that businesses who use the area are now required to ensure their bins are regularly emptied and properly labelled.

The meeting also noted that Gloucestershire highways is also planning to repaint lines to ensure vehicles are parked correctly.

The action forms part of a wider partnership arrangement with Gloucestershire County Council, Stroud District Council and the town council aimed at tackle anti-social behaviour in the wider Fawkes Place area.

(Image: Newsquest)

Town council clerk and CEO Helen Bojaniwska said: “I’m very pleased with the recent investments and collaborative efforts to improve the Fawkes Place area.

“For too long, the trade waste storage area had deteriorated into an unsightly mess that attracted illegal dumping.

“The new fencing installed by GCC has significantly upgraded this space and deterred fly-tipping.

“The big clean-up a few weeks ago was a great first step, and I’m encouraged by the plan to sustain this progress going forward.

“Having CCTV coverage should help reduce reoccurring issues.

“Removing those long-abandoned trade waste bins was also crucial for reclaiming the area.

“I appreciate that local businesses are taking responsibility to keep their areas tidy and promptly report any unauthorised dumping.

“With everyone working together, we can transform Fawkes Place into an asset for our town rather than an eyesore.

“During my attendance at multi-agency inspections, I advocated strongly for addressing this longstanding issue that has impacted our residents’ quality of life.

“Fawkes Place has such potential, especially when used for wonderful community events like the food and drink festival.

“Maintaining a clean, inviting environment will allow us to truly capitalise on this public space.

“This project demonstrates what’s possible through collaboration and decisive action.

“I look forward to seeing further improvements that elevate our town’s appearance and liveability for all.”

Tony Davey, chair of Stroud Chamber of Trade, said: “We have been working with the county and town council to help improve this area of town.

“While not in an area that is regularly visited by most, the site had been deteriorating over many years and was an environmental health issue.

“Businesses need somewhere to store their waste ready for collection, but over the years businesses had left the town and their waste management companies had failed to collect the bins associated with the contract - this is (regrettably) not uncommon.

“This then worsened over time and then became a magnet for fly tipping.

“Businesses have been asked to report all instances of fly tipping now seen here, and the area has good CCTV coverage, so we hope not to see a reoccurrence.

“We’re grateful for the investment GCC highways has made in this area to clear it, make it more secure and to help ensure this essential facility can remain.”