I wanted very much to say a huge thank you to everybody who rushed to help when I fainted at the 66 bus stop on Merrywalks in Stroud last Saturday morning.

I don’t recall everything but one young man asked if I was okay then managed to catch me as I headed toward the pavement.

One lady called an ambulance and waited until they arrived.

Another lady even went in person to the restaurant in

Cheltenham where my family were waiting for me to warn them I might not make lunch.

The ambulance crew were friendly, patient and thorough and gave me a lift home when they were confident it was nothing serious and I could manage on my own.

I’m sorry if I have failed to mention anybody else who helped, especially if they missed their bus because of me.

Thank you all.

I am so grateful that I live among such thoughtful people in Stroud.

Name and address supplied