D-DAY 80 has been described as “momentous” for the Stonehouse branch of the Royal British Legion.

The 80th anniversary of D-Day on June 6 saw the D-Day flag raised at the Memorial Green in Stonehouse to the sound of “Reveille”.

This was played by a cadet from Wycliffe College, and the national proclamation was read by town mayor Neil Gibbs.

Later on, at 9.15pm, a beacon was lit on the Memorial Green for 15 minutes.

June 8 saw another event at the Memorial Green, this time with stands from local organisations.

Attendees viewed displays, visited the stalls and tasted samples of Müller Milk products.

Free tea, coffee and biscuits were provided by Michael Gamble Funeral Directors.

In addition, Moreton Hill Care Home provided refreshments and raffles.