THE REFORM candidate for the Stroud constituency has said what he wants to achieve should he be elected. 

Christopher Lester, who has over 40 years of experience in the electricity industry and now manages a team of 27 as part of his role, has spoken about his ambitions.  

He said: "I would now like to utilise my management and personnel skills in a new direction.

"I am standing because I was so disillusioned by the Conservative party.

"I want lower tax by raising the threshold on both the 20 per cent and 40 per cent taking poor out of tax but also incentivizing people to seek promotion with more money in their pockets they would buy more so the economy would grow.

"I want to lower corporation tax to help companies to grow, cut the waste out of the NHS, train more doctors and scrap the cap on the number that can get on the training.

"I also want net zero to go to let the markets dictate the pace of decarbonization, take the boats back to France and in terms of immigration there should be one out one in."