AN AMATEUR London cricket club will return to Gloucestershire for a mid-season tour at the end of July, its first in many years.

Mill Hill Village Cricket Club, based in northwest London, used to tour the West Country annually until the pandemic struck, making this the first tour for many years.

Previously they have played in Dursley and Stroud.

The club, in existence since 1868, has already organised one fixture, against Stone Cricket Club, near Berkeley, for Monday, July 29.

Now club president and tour manager Piers Jenkins is appealing to other clubs in the area to offer a fixture.

The club is looking for teams in the Gloucestershire area to host fixtures on the following dates: • Sunday, July 28 • Tuesday, July 30 • Wednesday, July 31

These matches could either be a 20-over game starting in the evening or a 40-over game if the host team is available to start in the afternoon.

Jenkins said: “Mill Hill Village Cricket Club put out four Saturday teams in the Hertfordshire Cricket League every week as well as regular friendlies on a Sunday and midweek T20 matches.

"I’d describe our standard as weak/medium/very social!

“So if you’re a cricket club big or small in the Gloucestershire area and can host us for a fixture on July 28, July 30 or July 31, please get in touch.

"We’re a friendly, enthusiastic club that loves our cricket and we’d like to hear from you and take you on, playing the game in the right spirit!

"We’re not that good - but we’re not that bad either!”

Clubs in the Gloucestershire/Cotswolds area interested in hosting Mill Hill Village for a game at the end of July can get in touch with Piers Jenkins directly via 07970 948134 or email

Jenkins said: “In my 35-year association with Mill Hill Village Cricket Club, our tours to the West Country have given me some of my fondest memories.

"These trips have helped forge new friendships and cement older ones among those on tour.

"That’s why I’ve taken it upon myself as club president to revive the tour to a part of the UK that boasts some of the most scenic cricket grounds in the country. It’s long overdue.”