COLUMN BY new Stroud mayor Tony Davey 

Hello Stroud residents!

Your newly elected Mayor here with an update on what I've been up to these first few weeks in office.

It's been a whirlwind getting acquainted with all the policies and procedures involved in running our Town Council properly.

Just last week we had a Finance and Policy meeting where the councillors scrutinised our finances, payments, and signed off on important operational policies. While it may seem like a lot of red tape, it's crucial for safeguarding the interests of our community and ensuring we follow proper protocols.

Our council gets independently audited regularly to verify we're dotting all the i's and crossing the t's.

On Tuesday, I joined the Market Towns Forum meeting with representatives from neighbouring towns and Stroud District Council.

These are valuable opportunities to receive updates - like on the forthcoming Market Towns Vitality Fund we're all eagerly awaiting - as well as provide feedback to the District Council. Email correspondence streams constantly, but these formal interactive meetings allow us to cover key issues thoroughly.

I took a moment of tranquillity this week walking along the canal to appreciate the green spaces and natural beauty we're blessed with in Stroud.

Having lived in less verdant areas before, I know these nearby pockets of serenity shouldn't be taken for granted amidst our busy lives.

We're fortunate to have such restorative sanctuaries right in our backyard.

Finally, The Seatery community event has returned to Cornhill Market each Friday! From 11am to 2pm, it transforms the usually locked-up square into a lively gathering with live music, kids' activities, and a chance to take a load off.

Though I could only stop by briefly, I heard it was a successful reopening.

Thanks to the organisers who put in the hard work to revive this beloved program.

Don't hesitate to reach out if you ever have questions!