VOTERS head to the polls in the Stroud constituency next month to elect their MP.

Conservative Siobhan Baillie is hoping to retain the seat while Volt UK’s Jason Hughes, Liberal Democrat George James and Green Party candidate Pete Kennedy are hoping to unseat her.

Reform UK have selected Christopher Lester to stand while Labour are pinning their hopes on Dursley GP Simon Opher. Also standing is Independent Saskia Whitfield.

Candidates have set out below the reasons why they believe the electorate should vote for them on July 4.

Siobhan Baillie – Conservative and Unionist Party

Over the last four years or so I have proved that politics can still be a force for good when you have an MP prepared to fight against headwinds, ignore being told something cannot be done and hustle in Parliament.

I love this place and I recognise that we have all experienced a lot in the last few years. Yet we have turned a corner and better times are ahead. I am asking people not to jeopardise this now.

Being an MP is about public service. I am standing to represent you again as I am determined to finish the projects and campaigns that will improve our lives here in Stroud, the Valleys and Vale.

Whether it is fighting to reopen Stroud Maternity’s post natal beds, bringing brownfield sites and dilapidated buildings back to life, getting nuclear back to Gloucestershire, supporting community pub fights, stopping massive solar farms, improving railway access, dramatically changing national childcare, tackling anonymous abuse or showcasing local businesses on a national stage.

My track record is already strong. I can do even more with your vote to re-elect me. These are also undoubtedly dangerous times too.

It is no good hiring Labour to look after the UK economy and defence of this great country. That is a leap into the dark we can ill afford.

And just Look at how Labour runs Wales or London and the councils that go bust. That is not good enough for our area or this great country. Trust in me and I can continue to be your champion locally and in Westminster.

I will get things done for Stroud, the Valleys and Vale.

Jason Philip Hughes – Volt

Jason Philip Hughes is the Volt United Kingdom candidate for Stroud. Volt is a pro-European party which seeks to rejoin the EU.

George James – Liberal Democrats

George James is the Liberal Democrat candidate for Stroud. He has been approached for comment.

Pete Kennedy – Green Party

Chalford resident and District Councillor, Pete Kennedy, is a green campaigner and lawyer who has spent his whole career working towards a greener, fairer future.

He has worked as a legal and parliamentary advisor for the Green Party for seven years, and has worked behind the scenes on some of the biggest Parliamentary battles of the last decade.

Pete has helped Greens lead the fight against some of the Conservative government’s worst legislation, including anti-trade union laws, rules that would have allowed more sewage in our rivers, and cruel anti-migrant laws such as the Rwanda Bill.

Pete has also worked with Green members of the House of Lords to raise questions about important issues for Stroud. He’s been pressing the Government for answers on why they still haven’t decided whether Stroud will have its direct rail link to Bristol reopened at Bristol Road in Stonehouse.

Before working in Parliament, Pete worked in a small business delivering outdoor education; a mental health charity; and a local council where he helped roll out street-by-street home insulation programmes.

The fully costed Green Party manifesto will be published soon. It will include policies to defend and support the NHS; protect renters with rent controls and an end to no-fault evictions; and protecting our rivers from sewage by bringing the water companies back into public ownership.

Pete says: “Everyone has had enough of the Conservatives, and it’s looking certain there will be a New Labour government in July. This election won’t be like previous ones.

“Conservative support collapsed both nationally and locally; and the new Stroud Constituency boundaries have removed thousands of Conservative voters from the traditionally Conservative heartlands of Hardwicke, Bisley, Painswick and Upton.

“The local elections in May showed that the Conservatives are on their way out, while Greens are on the way up. As Stroud’s Green MP, I would push the new government for the real change and real hope that we all need.

“I’m on your side; not Rishi Sunak’s or Keir Starmer’s. Use your vote to send a message to Westminster:

“Stroud demands real change for a greener, fairer future.”

Christopher Lester – Reform UK

Christopher Lester is the Reform UK candidate for Stroud. Mr Lester has been approached for comment.

Simon Joseph Opher – Labour Party

The most experienced of the major party candidates, Dr Simon Opher MBE has been a GP in Dursley for 30 years, specialising in mental health, children’s health and eyecare, and is Chair of the Stroud Locality NHS.

He’s also been Chair of Prema Arts Centre for 10 years. Growing up in west Oxfordshire, and educated at Eynsham Comprehensive school and St Mary’s

Hospital London, he chose the Stroud district to settle and raise his children, all three of whom were pupils at Rednock school in Dursley.

Dr Opher pioneered social prescribing, where doctors can prescribe non-medical treatments such as art, exercise, gardening and swimming.

His research showed these to be just as effective as medicines, especially for treating mental health problems.

He was instrumental in getting the Vale Community Hospital built, and led the Covid vaccination program locally, being awarded the MBE in 2016 for services to healthcare.

Dr Opher is passionate about the NHS and health inequalities, the way that the worse off in society get more ill and die earlier than the wealthiest.

In Stroud constituency, this difference in average life expectancy can be ten years.

“To be robbed of ten years of healthy life simply because you’re poor is appalling, but I can’t solve this as a doctor.

“The solutions are political, not medical. I’ve seen the NHS being ground down from being the envy of the world in 2010 to where it is now. Without a change of Government the NHS’ very existence is under threat.

“I’ve been speaking to people every week since putting myself forward for selection to represent Labour in Stroud two summers ago, so I have a good understanding of what they’re worried about.”

As part of a Labour Government, Dr Opher has committed to help restore the NHS he loves; reduce energy bills by setting Stroud up to play a large part in GB Energy; revive the High Streets, reopening shops and tackling antisocial behaviour; create more affordable housing, particularly for families and young people; and create opportunities by transforming state education, creating new, well-paid jobs and cracking down on worker exploitation with a new deal for workers.

Saskia Whitfield – Independent

Saskia Whitfield is an Independent candidate standing for election Stroud.