THE ORGANISERS of a campaign aiming to preserve access to a stunning valley described as the 'heart of Stroud' say they have 'taken a step forward' in plans to buy the 100-acre area of land.  

The rush is now on however as the farm has now officially gone onto the market with a guide price of £750,000, through Cirencester-based estate agents Moore Allen & Innocent. 

With a stream running through it and a waterfall, the Heavens is criss-crossed with paths and has been used for decades by families, dog walkers and others who enjoy its natural beauty and valleys teeming with wildlife just on the outskirts of town.

Fears were raised in March about future access and possible changes at the area of land around Thrupp Farm. 

A group called the Heavens Valley Action Group was formed to try and ensure public access remains and also to look into options for buying the area on behalf of the community.

The group - which has now had its application to become a Community Benefit Society approved - now legal status and is allowed to take donations to raise the funds to buy the land.

A further stage, to give the Heavens Valley Community Benefit Society Limited charitable status, is expected to conclude in a few weeks.

This will mean that the group will be eligible for Gift Aid on donations from UK tax-payers, making every donation worth 25 per cent more.

Once the charitable status is confirmed, the group will be contacting everyone who has made pledges of money, to ask them to formalise their pledges on a funding platform.

No money will be taken until a sale is agreed.

Co-coordinator of the group, Karen Thomas, said: “This is a really exciting time for us as we have finally evolved from an informal group of campaigners into a legally constituted society.

"If all the pledges made so far by generous supporters are converted into cash, we will have raised more than £250,000 towards the purchase of Thrupp Farm.

“Then our fundraising drive will continue in earnest as we need to raise the rest of the £750,000 purchase price – to repay some generous individuals who have offered to lend the remaining money needed - as soon as possible.

"We ask anyone who has not already done so to fill in the pledge form on our website – it could never be more urgent.”

Details of fundraising events will be posted on the Heavens Valley Action Group’s website and social media channels.

Meanwhile, as part of its new legal status, society members have to appoint up to 12 directors, and there are three positions available for members of the community who are not already part of the group.

Karen added: “Being a company director is a responsible and potentially time-consuming job – and it’s a voluntary role, so it won’t suit everyone.

"But this is a great way for individuals who can bring specific skills and different backgrounds to make a significant contribution to the future direction of the CBS and help preserve our Heavens for the community for ever.”

Anyone interested in being a director can email for more information.

For more on the Heavens visit the Moore Allen & Innocent website -