A SIGNIFICANT funding hurdle has been overcome as the fight to gain step-free access to Stroud railway station continues.

Cash has now been awarded from the Department of Transport from the latest round of the Access for All programme which will form part of the feasibility study so that all options at the station can be looked at.

One possible outcome from the study would be to create lifts which connect with the existing bridge.

Conservative candidate for the Stroud parliamentary constituency Siobhan Baillie says she has been campaigning for step free access at the station for years, including arranging visits from ministers as the MP so they could see the problem first-hand.

Stroud News and Journal: The Conservative candidate for the Stroud constituency says she has struggled herself when usingMany residents currently have to walk around the town to get to the platform they want if they have mobility issues or buggies and prams. 

Stroud’s MP from 2019 until parliament was recently dissolved has struggled herself when using the station with her two young children.

She said: “I am absolutely chuffed Stroud people with disabilities, heavy bags or two small kids like myself will soon be able to use Stroud Railway Station properly with no steps.

“It’s taken a bit of time but I have managed to get us onto the list with the support of Stroud Town council, GWR, local access groups, ministers and many others.

“I will be looking forward to working on the studies for the lifts and improvements to the station so more people can access the railway and provide a boost to the town’s businesses too.”

Members from Stroud Town Council are pleased that ‘progress has been achieved.’

CEO Helen Bojaniwska said: "We are absolutely delighted to hear that Stroud station has been awarded funding for a feasibility study. 

“This is a tremendous leap forward after many years of campaigning by our officers and councillors.

“Achieving accessibility at Stroud station has been one of our top priorities.

"It is unacceptable in this day and age for the station to lack basic step-free facilities.

“This impacts those with disabilities, parents with young children, the elderly, and anyone struggling with heavy luggage or shopping.”

Mayor Tony Davey added: "This is a massive step forward in the need to make Stroud Railway Station accessible.

“The process moves quite slowly, and I know there were many in the queue to get this far.

“The funding to complete the next steps of the study is vital, and the need is undeniable, so I am hopeful of a positive outcome.

“So much work has gone into this - the studies and applications, public feedback, visits and lobbying in Westminster.  

“It's great that it has paid off and that we can move on to the next step.

“Making the station accessible helps visitors, workers, businesses and everyone who wishes to enjoy the town and travel by rail.

“While this funding for a feasibility study is just the first step, it represents a major milestone and shows our voices have finally been heard loud and clear.

“We will continue applying pressure to ensure this feasibility work leads to the installation of step-free access as swiftly as possible.

“Stroud station must be made fully accessible to all."

GWR Business Assurance and Strategy Director Joe Graham said: “This is excellent news.  “We want to see all our stations accessible and we are delighted that Stroud has been included in the Department for Transport’s Access for All additional funding list.”