CAMPAIGNERS have been left dismayed after health bosses suggested that postnatal beds in Stroud would not reopen this calendar year.

Hospital bosses have suggested that Cheltenham General Hospital’s birthing unit and the postnatal beds in Stroud will not reopen this calendar year. 

Midwife staffing numbers in Gloucestershire have been an issue for several years with the Aveta Birth unit in Cheltenham and the six postnatal beds at Stroud Maternity Hospital having been closed since 2022.

Chief nurse and director of quality Matt Holdaway ruled out reopening the services in Cheltenham and Stroud at a recent (May 21) health overview and scrutiny committee.

“Both of those services have been closed since the autumn of 2022 due to staffing issues which continue.

“It’s reasonable to say we are not going to be in a position to look at reopening either of those services in this calendar year – due to those staffing issues.

“There’s a national shortage of midwives and local vacancies, long term sickness and maternity leave leading us to consolidate services in Gloucester birthing unit and obstetric unit.”

Stroud campaigners have been left dismayed after this development, urging bosses to think again. 

Kate Buckingham, Stroud Maternity Matters chair, said: "We are dismayed that the postnatal beds remain closed with no immediate sign of reopening.

Stroud News and Journal: Kate Buckingham, left, chair of Stroud Maternity Matters, welcomes the news that the Stroud MP has

"There seems to be an inadequate admission of the extent of the problem in terms of recruitment and retention of the much-needed midwives.

"We knew that this would happen the moment they were ‘temporarily’ closed - it is an uphill battle to move away from a model of consolidation and centralisation back to the precious choices that women had before.

"Meanwhile, we continuously hear from all the other support services locally that the cracks are really showing for families who cannot access post-natal respite.

"We urge those responsible to hold their promise to continue searching for smart solutions to get the beds reopened."

Labour candidate for the Stroud constituency and GP Dr Simon Opher said: "The continuing closure of the post natal beds in Stroud is having a really detrimental effect on new mums and young families in Stroud.

"As a GP I have spoken to mothers who needed to stay at SMU and instead were sent home.

"They said they felt unprepared for the daunting prospect of looking after a new born baby. Post natal care is not a luxury for many women, but essential to give children the best start in life.

"The stipulation that there must be extra midwives to staff the beds is not accurate and some of their roles could be filled safely by other qualified staff from our health community.

"With the help of our brilliant league of friends, I believe we can find a way to open these beds, so that women get excellent services again during maternity care in Stroud."

Pete Kennedy, Green candidate for the Stroud constituency, said: “Stroud Maternity Unit is so vital to the health and wellbeing of the Stroud community. It’s a lifeline for so many families in those first days of life.

 “This disappointing news is sadly not surprising.

"Anyone who’s been following this sorry story will have wondered whether there was actually the political will or the intention to reopen the Stroud maternity unit, or whether the vacancies are just an excuse for the ongoing closure.

 “Whoever wins the election will have to put Stroud Maternity Unit at the top of their priority list, or else we risk losing it forever.”