MEET THE candidates for new constituency which includes some wards which are in the Stroud district. 

The new North Cotswolds constituency will comprise of wards such as Bisley, Hardwicke, Minchinhampton and Painswick & Upton. 

The candidates are: 

Sir Geoffrey Clifton Brown (Conservative)

Anna Mainwaring (Labour)

Chloe Turner (Green)

Paul Hodgkinson (Liberal Democrats) 

This is what they had to say about the general election. 

1. Sir Geoffrey Clifton Brown (Conservative)

"Clearly, Rishi Sunak’s announcement that there would be an election on the 4 July came as a surprise to everyone!

"The new North Cotswolds constituency is very complex containing large rural areas in the north of the constituency and dense urban areas along the M5 corridor adjoining Cheltenham and Gloucester.

Stroud News and Journal: Sir Geoffrey Clifton Brown is the Conservative candidate for the new North Cotswolds seat which"To have as big an impact as possible before the election I will be personally knocking on as many doors as possible on a daily basis.

"I will be emphasising my record of achievement as an experienced member of parliament.

"For example the 15 year campaign to get the £500 million A417 project which is scheduled to be completed by 2027, successfully campaigning hard to make infrastructure accompany new development, and persuading the government to measure output of sewage, improving the quality of our rivers through my six monthly public flooding and sewage meetings."

2. Anna Mainwaring (Labour)

"It’s great news that finally a General Election has been called and people can now have their say at the ballot box after all these years of chaos and division under the Conservatives.

"It’s also very exciting and I hope that this will be a turning point and we will see real change that our country needs after 14 years of decline caused by this reckless Conservative Government.”

“I am standing in North Cotswolds to help turn this country around.

Stroud News and Journal: Anna Mainwaring (left) is the Labour candidate for the new North Cotswolds seat which includes a"We need to tackle the cost of living crisis, create better quality jobs locally, protect our green countryside and tackle the climate emergency.

"We need to invest in our towns and high streets, stand up for small businesses and our farmers.

"We also need to ensure our schools are fit for purpose and our fantastic NHS is saved and funded properly.”

“There is a clear choice at this election.

"We can bring about real change for future generations.

"Together we can rebuild this country.”

3. Chloe Turner (Green)

 “The widespread disenchantment with the Tory government among many moderate Tory voters means that the Conservatives cannot be complacent about winning the North Cotswolds seat.

“As MP, I will be a voice for nature and a champion for local issues, including tackling the decline in rural public services and the cost-of-living pressures facing so many residents.”

“Importantly, as a Green I do not have to follow a party whip so will be free to represent the concerns of residents.

Stroud News and Journal: Chloe Turner is the Green candidate for the new North Cotswolds seat which includes a few wards in

"I will be an independent, principled MP who will work collaboratively with others, who will never be afraid to offer constructive scrutiny and to hold those in government to account.

“This year, there is a real opportunity for genuine change in the Cotswolds, for the first time in decades.

"It’s an exciting chance to restore trust in politics and I’m ready to be at the heart of it.”

4. Paul Hodgkinson (Liberal Democrats) 

"Although a July election was a little unexpected due to the Government’s unpopularity my team is already out campaigning - just as we have been for the last 6 months. 

"As a long term resident of our area and with a record of public service I relish the prospect of providing the clear alternative to the Conservatives in the North Cotswolds.

Stroud News and Journal: "I am more ready than ever to serve the public as MP after 17 years as a councillor and all my doorstep conversations say that a lot of people want positive and credible change.

"I can offer that."