CONCERNS have been raised after the resurfacing of a key road in Stroud in a ‘terrible state’ has been delayed due to the general election.

A stretch of Westward Road in Ebley was due to be resurfaced between Wednesday,  June 26 and Tuesday, July 9 but has now been delayed.

This is due because the works fall inside the date of the general election (Thursday, July 4) and access is needed to the local polling stations. 

John Bloxsom, Gloucestershire County Councillor for Rodborough (Labour) has aired his frustrations at the delays, adding that it is 'essential' for the work to be rescheduled.

He said: "This is very frustrating.

"Resurfacing of Westward Road is long overdue.

Stroud News and Journal: The road that was due to be resurfaced is to be delayed due to the general election"The section due to be resurfaced between Orchard Road and Chapel Lane is in a terrible state.

"I've been getting lots of messages asking when it's going to be done.

"It is essential that the resurfacing be rearranged as soon as possible and not dropped off the list".

Cllr Dom Morris, cabinet member for Highways at GCC said: "I’m delighted that Westward road is being resurfaced as part of this administration’s £100 million investment into Gloucestershire’s roads.

"Our investment saw 220 roads resurfaced last year alone and will see at least another 115 resurfaced this year.

"Of course I understand residents’ frustration that the resurfacing has been delayed but unfortunately the works fell on the day of the general election and would have restricted access to a polling station – something I’m sure most people would agree would have been unacceptable.

"Westward road’s resurfacing will be rescheduled and completed as soon as possible."

A spokesperson for GCC added: "If a resurfacing scheme is likely to cause issues with access to key locations including polling stations they will be completed at the next possible opportunity. 

"You can keep up to date with schemes via our resurfacing web page." 

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