STROUD HIGH School has won three awards this week. 

This week Stroud High School computing staff welcomed Charlotte Smith from CyNam to formally present the team with the prestigious CyberFirst Gold Award.

The award acknowledges the school's commitment to providing excellence in cyber security education.

Last year Rt Hon Michelle Donelan, in her role as Minister for Digital Culture, Media and Sport, visited the school with representatives from CyNam to see the provision in action.

The award is run in conjunction with GCHQ and the National Cyber Security Centre

Earlier in the week, student leaders from Stroud High received the Eco Schools Green Flag Award acknowledging the school's commitment to sustainability.

The school says this award is in recognition for their student Eco Council, who have been leading their work in this area.

Stroud News and Journal: Three awards for Stroud High SchoolAmy Libbiter, their student Head of Eco, said: "We have worked so hard as a group to meet the requirements for the Green Flag framework."

The school have also just received a plaque from the British Council for their International School Award.

The council gave the school fulsome praise for its international work, both inside the school and through the projects it leads through the Turing Scheme, with schools in South Korea and Thailand.

The British Council said: "Congratulations on your outstanding achievements.

"Stroud High School is clearly a dynamic institution that offers its students numerous opportunities for growth and enrichment."

Headteacher Mark McShane said: "It has been great to celebrate three awards at the beginning of term.

"The framework of the awards help us to keep improving and developing as a school, and we have been thrilled with the feedback from all of the organisations involved"