I was heartened by Gail Bradbrook's letter in the SNJ last week (August 15) alerting us to the "path to ecofascism and... the agendas being played out by various elite groupings".

Up to now there has been a deafening absence of any critique of the slow creep towards social authoritarianism coming from people with influence on the green left – notwithstanding the strenuous efforts of local freedom campaigners to alert people to these issues.

In his new book Breaking Together, Prof. Jem Bendell, trusted by many in Extinction Rebellion, offers a “way to reconnect with a deeper environmentalism, that rejects the corporate, techno-salvationist and authoritarian agendas that seem to have taken over the green agenda".

I make no claims to be an academic expert; so when I question Klaus Schwab’s corporate World Economic Forum “Agenda 2030” sustainable development goals, or the environmental, social and governance programmes of trillion dollar asset-owning corporations such as Vanguard and Blackrock – which are, crucially, predicated on an imminent climate crisis – it is not “the science” I am questioning, but the motives of those who are rushing society towards a technocratic solution to identified environmental problems.

With Gail Bradbrook and Jem Bendell now publicly onside, perhaps some urgently needed bridges can be built, and the constituency taking the issues of technocracy and freedom seriously significantly widened. The very nature of our human future may, indeed, depend on it.

Marcus Blackett
