A Gloucestershire councillor who defected from the Conservatives after describing the national Tory party as a “disaster” has rejoined his old party just a few months later.

Minchinhampton Councillor Nick Hurst left the Conservative group at Stroud District Council and became an Independent in February this year.

He said at the time of his defection that he had no issues with the local party but that the national picture is a disaster.

“As a Conservative district councillor, I was required to be a card carrying member of the national Conservative Party,” he said in February. 

“I had received a reminder that my 2022/23 subscription was outstanding and I felt I no longer wanted to pay for something that had moved so far from solid Conservative values.

“The consequence is that I cannot be a member of the Conservative group on the district council, and therefore have to become an Independent.”

However, the Tory group at Ebley Mill has now welcomed Cllr Hurst back to the fold.

Group leader Lindsey Green (C, Berkeley Vale) said: “Nick is a knowledgeable, experienced and effective councillor.

“We are the largest group on Stroud District Council and as parts of the administration continue to argue with each other we will remain united and work hard for the people of our district.”

Cllr Hurst said he wanted to support his colleagues focus on serving the needs of residents and ensure officers and the administration are held to account.

He added: “My dissatisfaction with the way all parties have been behaving nationally has been a problem for me, as indeed it has been for others.

“However the recent realignments here in Stroud have to my mind created functional problems in the way Stroud District Council is run, and which need to be addressed.

“By rejoining my fellow Conservatives we should improve our ability to get things done better. I became convinced that staying outside our local group was not helpful to that process”

Councillor Hurst first joined the council in 2012. Stroud District Council is led by a cooperative alliance of the Green, Independent Left, Community Independent and Liberal Democrat parties.

There are currently 18 Conservatives, 14 Greens, five in the Labour and Co-operative Party group, four Community Independents, four Independent Left councillors, three Liberal Democrats, two Independents and a no group Conservative.