A 40-YEAR-OLD woman has admitted taking a disabled man’s mobility scooter from him and assaulting him causing actual bodily harm shortly before he collapsed and died.

Kimberley Hawkins, of no fixed address in the Stroud area, admitted at Gloucester Crown Court today (April 25) a charge of aggravated vehicle taking without consent on January 22, this year and then being involved in an accident which caused injury to Neil Shadwick, 63, of Archway Gardens, Stroud.

Hawkins also pleaded guilty to assaulting Mr Shadwick, causing him actual bodily harm.

Judge Ian Lawrie KC explained that he realised that there was an important need to establish the medical evidence surrounding Mr Shadwick’s death as he was suffering from a number of health complications at the time.

At an earlier hearing the court was told that Mr Shadwick suffered from Parkinson's Disease and had suffered a stroke shortly before he died He had difficulty communicating verbally.

He also had an implant installed in his body.

Mr Shadwick was found collapsed by a member of staff at Tesco superstore at Stratford Park, Stroud, at around 6am on January 22.

The temperature at the time was minus four degrees.

Mr Shadwick was taken to Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, where he later died.

Mr Shadwick’s mobility scooter was found later that same day, at around 9am abandoned in Bisley Old Road, Stroud.

Judge Lawrie said: “I appreciate it will be difficult to secure a number of experts and I can see this will not be resolved for many months.”

Prosecutor Mary Cowe said: “The National Crime Agency had not been able to identify relevant experts in the field as we are looking for specialists within the neurological and pathologist fields as they would have to confer.

Sarah Jenkins defending, said: “Hawkins remains in custody and has been since January.”

Judge Lawrie interjected: “Hawkins is looking so much better today than when she was last before this court.

"Not being on illicit drugs and on prescribed medication is benefiting her wellbeing.”

Ms Jenkins added: “Hawkins is also engaging with mental health service.

There is work to do and she needs to start detox from her methadone prescription.

"No bail application will be made at this stage."

Judge Lawrie adjourned the case until August 18 for a case review hearing and added: "There is a huge chance of further delays in this case."