PASSENGERS have rallied to save various bus routes in Stroud

This follows last week's protest outside the Sub Rooms against Stagecoach's proposed timetable changes which are due to be implemented next month.

Stroud News and Journal:  Stagecoach West recently announced several changes to bus services around the town. 

The company says the changes will ‘improve reliability’ for passengers and aims to encourage more people to switch from cars to buses.

The 63, 64, 66, 67 will be changing and two new services 62 and 166, will be introduced.

Among the announcements Service 67 which operates between Bussage and Stroud as well as Cashes Green will no longer run on Sundays due to ‘low passenger demand’. 

A petition, called Stroud Needs Buses, has now been launched after concerns from residents. 

So far, nearly 500 residents have signed it. 

"Local buses are a vital part of our communities," said Hereward Corbett, who launched the petition. 

"They are part of our future.

"Families and businesses rely on good bus services.

"A good transport infrastructure takes cars off the roads (and out of car parks), and benefits the environment and the local economy. 

Organisers call on Stagecoach to: 

  • Work with local communities to review how each route is affected, and to come up with workable solutions
  • Cancel the cuts until the review process is complete
  • Agree basic service standards based on community size/location/demographics

"Public transport is the future," he continued. 

"Cutting services is the wrong thing to do."

On Tuesday, January 31, there will also be a public meeting at Stroud Brewery to discuss these issues. 

About the timetable changes, Rachel Geliamassi, managing director, Stagecoach West said: “We know how important local bus networks are in connecting people to jobs, education, and skills, as well as ensuring access to key public services.

“These changes help to ensure our bus network is fit for the future, whilst maintaining and creating new connections for residents. 

“Longer-term, our aim is to grow the local bus network by working together with national and local government to attract more people out of their cars and onto more sustainable public transport. 

“The more people who switch to buses, the greater the positive impact on our network. 

“It can generate vital investment for more electric vehicles, helps keep fares low and ultimately will help us to expand the bus network to meet new demand.”

The petition can be found here -