NONE of the founders of Stroud Camera Club could have predicted how photography would change when they first met on 4 May 1939.

Of course, since those early days we have seen the introduction of affordable cameras with ever increasing sophistication and automation.

The invention and widespread adoption of smart phones, all of which have on-board cameras, has brought photography to the masses. It is estimated that over 50 000 photos are now taken every second, equivalent to 1.72 trillion every year. When everyone is a ‘photographer’, is there still a place for a community camera/photographic club? Fortunately, the democratisation of photography, primarily driven by smart phones, has not dimmed the passion that many have for the art of photography where composition, story-telling, lighting, colour and technical perfection all play a part in creating images that standout from the crowd.

Throughout the years Stroud Camera Club has adapted to change and has retained an enthusiastic membership spanning a mixture of ages and abilities. The Club aims to provide all those interested in photography with an opportunity to improve their knowledge, skill and enjoyment of the art with an emphasis on making photography fun for all. Several Club members have been recognised by national photographic bodies having joined the Club as ‘beginners’ and the Club is one of the top-performing camera clubs in the South West Region.

Stroud Camera Club is always open to new members Please send an email to

The Club meets at 7:30pm on Thursday evenings from September to May in the Cotswold Bowls Club and in various locations for practical evenings in the summer months.