COUNCILLORS have pledged to take a stand against anti-Muslim prejudice in Gloucestershire, writes Carmelo Garcia. 

Stroud District Council agreed on Thursday (April 28) to adopt the All Party Parliamentary Group on British Muslims’ definition of Islamophobia.

Council officers and members will be trained to recognise and counter instances of Islamophobia as part of their regular training schedule.

The local authority will also develop and strengthen their links with the district’s Muslim communities.

Councillors also agreed to promote events and messaging around Islamophobia Awareness Month and the recently declared UN International Day to Combat Islamophobia.

Councillor Robin Layfield (L, Rodborough), who put forward the proposals at the full council meeting, said Islamophobia is the most reported form of hate crime.

He said: “We are all human beings, it’s just some are treated differently and that’s something we have to acknowledge.

"We are not alone, there are 40 other councils that have already adopted this piece of work.”

He encouraged councillors if they know other religions which are not being supported well by the work of the council to raise it with them and they would address it.

And Cllr George James (LD, Wotton-under-Edge) said he agreed with the proposals. “It’s a magnificent piece of work.”

Councillor Brian Tipper (C, Cam East), asked why the measures were needed and said: “We are all human beings, we are all the same. Let’s treat one another the same as.”

But vice-chairman Trevor Hall (L, Dursley) explained Islamophobia needs to be challenged as it is rampant in British society.

Cllr Jonathan Edmunds (G, Randwick, Whiteshill and Ruscombe) said he used to work in role in Gloucester which involved reaching out to Muslim communities there.

“It’s something we can do, reach out to those communities. It’s something we can all do.”

The council voted to adopt the proposals by 37 votes with one abstention.

This follows the council’s recognition last year of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of antisemitism.