‘THE Rise of Online Conspiracy Theories’ will be the subject of an online discussion on Wednesday November 11.

Members of the public are invited to hear a panel of speakers talk about how unfounded theories - about everything from vaccines and Covid 19, to 5G and international child trafficking rings run by politicians and Hollywood – have spread across the internet.

Speakers include:

- Sarah Dixon and James Beecher, who helped start the Stroud Coronavirus Community Response to share quality, fact-checked information and guidance during the pandemic.

- Tom Scott, a writer and lecturer who has a particular interest in political disinformation and has written a report for the European Parliament with policy recommendations on reforming social media.

The event is the latest in a regular series of Cloud Cafes organised by Stroud District Green Party – but open to anyone - to discuss topical issues.

Lynn Haanen, co-coordinator of the local party and a former Democratic Party activist and local elected official in the US, will also be speaking.

She said: “Conspiracy theories were once dismissed as a shadowy online phenomenon in the US, but they are becoming more disturbing, more mainstream, more international, and more mystical - and the effects are now being felt in Britain.”

The event will start at 7.30pm and go on until 9pm. Attendees can join from 7.15pm.

To join: https://actionnetwork.org/events/cloud-cafe-the-rise-of-conspiracy-theories?source=direct_link&