TALENTED cartoonist and comedian Robin Shaw has created a new illustrated book encouraging and advising young people with a disability how to gain their dream job.

Robin who was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome and attention deficit hyperactivity Disorder in December 2011 has joined forces with Gloucestershire County Council to create your future, a new book based around stories of disabled people who have built successful careers.

The fictional characters include Garry who turned his green-fingered passion into a reality to become a gardener and Eloise who through Pluss, a social enterprise that supports disabled people into work, secured a job in a supermarket.

Guy who enjoyed a work placement with the theatre signed up to the 30/30 challenge and Phil who with support from forwards working club got a degree and opened an art studio.

Fowards is a service provided by the county council and NHS gloucestershire clinical commissioning group to battle barriers to long-term employment.

Councillor Kathy Williams, cabinet member for long-term care, said: “People with a disability are achieving more than ever before and we want to encourage this at every opportunity.

"The book demonstrates in a unique and interesting way the wide variety of ways young people with a disability can secure jobs and ultimately their future independence.”

Janine Smith, assistant headteacher at The Milestone School, said: “We are really happy to support the book launch. Young people from the Milestone have already gained a lot of experience and confidence through the 30/30 challenge and PLUSS scheme.

"Both opportunities extended the school careers programme into a real life context and have helped to prepare pupils for post 16 and adult life.”

The book will be made available to a wide range of schools for young people with special educational needs.

People can also a request a copy by contacting Vikki Walters, employment commissioner, learning disabilities commissioning team, on 01452 328645 or email vikki.walters@gloucestershire.gov.uk

The project is supported by Gloucester-based agency Moose Marketing and PR.