Full GCSE results from Thomas Keble School
An asterisk denotes an A* to C grade
Short courses
Subjects and codes
Citiz - Citizenship
Re – RE
Short course results
Bethany Adams, Citiz,Re*;
Mia Ashcroft, Citiz*,Re*;
Molly Asher, Citiz,Re;
Kieran Attwood, Citiz,Re;
Megan Attwood, Citiz*,Re*;
Jacob Baldwin, Citiz*,Re*;
Declan Ballinger, Citiz*,Re*;
Jessica Biddle, Citiz,Re;
Jodie Birch, Citiz,Re;
Harry Blake, Citiz*,Re*;
Guy Boldero, Citiz*,Re*;
Samuel Brady, Citiz*,Re*;
Harvey Brook, Citiz*,Re*;
Claude Brown, Citiz*,Re*;
Ruby Buckle, Citiz*,Re*;
Stephanie Bullivant, Citiz*,Re*;
Samuel Burnside, Citiz*,Re*;
Isabel Cadwallader-Rowles, Citiz*,Re*;
Isabel Carpenter, Citiz*,Re*;
Shaun Carr, Citiz,Re*;
Rhys Coates, Re;
Ben Cockshull, Citiz*,Re*;
Louis Cooke, Citiz,Re*;
Lauren Costello, Citiz*,Re*;
Alexander Cox, Citiz*,Re*;
Joel Cox, Citiz,Re;
Jacob Creed, Citiz,Re*;
Jamie Creed, Citiz,Re;
Jack Cullimore, Citiz*,Re*;
Charlotte Dalby, Citiz*,Re*;
Bethany Darling, Citiz,Re*;
Nikita Davis, Citiz,Re;
James Dean, Citiz*,Re*;
Benjamin Deane, Citiz*,Re*;
Jacob Dickenson, Citiz*,Re*;
Charlotte Dietschmann, Citiz*,Re*;
Andrew Dipple, Citiz*,Re*;
Lewis Dowdeswell, Citiz,Re;
Emily Drakeley, Citiz*,Re*;
Benjamin Drury, Citiz*,Re*;
William Duggleby, Citiz*,Re*;
Lauren Dyson, Citiz,Re*;
Katherine Eagles, Citiz*,Re*;
Jordan Egan, Citiz,Re;
Philip Ellis, Citiz,Re*;
Freja Evans, Citiz*,Re*;
Jarren Evans, Citiz,Re;
Emily Fern, Citiz*,Re*;
Samantha Finn, Citiz*,Re*;
Bethany Foster, Citiz*,Re*;
Lola Freedman, Citiz*,Re*;
Jacqueline Funnell, Citiz*,Re*;
Lucy Gardner, Citiz*,Re*;
Jade Gobey, Citiz*,Re*;
Katy Goff, Citiz,Re;
Jake Green, Citiz,Re;
Victoria Hale, Citiz*,Re*;
Holly Hammond, Citiz*,Re*;
Sophie Harry, Citiz*,Re*;
Grace Hawker, Citiz*,Re*;
Scott Hawkins, Citiz,Re*;
Lily Hayward, Citiz*,Re*;
Sophia Heath, Citiz*,Re*;
Connor Heaven, Citiz*,Re*;
Tegan Helbrow, Citiz*,Re*;
Matthew Hole, Citiz*,Re*;
Stanley Howlett, Citiz*,Re*;
Jordan Hulcoop, Citiz,Re;
Leone Ingram, Citiz*,Re*;
Matthew Johnson, Citiz,Re;
Charlie Jones, Citiz*,Re*;
Gareth Jones, Citiz*,Re*;
Luke Jones, Citiz*,Re*;
Rebekah Jones, Citiz*,Re*;
Scott Kibblewhite, Citiz*,Re*;
Adrian King, Citiz*,Re*;
Jones Ruby Kinnear, Citiz*,Re*;
Toby Lane, Citiz*,Re*;
Francesca Lata, Citiz*,Re*;
Harry Leeming, Citiz,Re;
Kirsty Lees, Citiz*,Re*;
Liam Linnane, Citiz*,Re*;
Francine Lister, Citiz*,Re*;
Caterina Lombardi, Citiz*,Re*;
Thomas Mason, Citiz,Re;
Safia McGlynn, Citiz*,Re*;
Thomas McInerney, Citiz*,Re*;
Harriet McLaughlin, Citiz*,Re*;
Aaron Midwinter, Citiz,Re;
Keiran Miller, Citiz*,Re*;
Emma Minnican, Citiz*,Re*;
Benedict Morter, Citiz*,Re*;
Amelia Mussett, Citiz*,Re*;
Pablo Muszasty, Citiz*,Re*;
James Nash, Citiz,Re;
Rachel Neale, Citiz*,Re*;
Ewan O'kane, Citiz*,Re*;
Oliver Owen, Citiz,Re;
Natalie Pearce, Citiz*,Re*;
Alice Percival, Citiz*,Re*;
Laura Pitman, Citiz*,Re*;
Hugo Ramsey, Citiz*,Re*;
Annabel Reindl, Citiz*,Re*;
Hadley Restall, Citiz,Re;
Samuel Roberts, Citiz*,Re*;
Shaun Saunders, Citiz;
Kezia Scawn, Citiz*,Re*;
Steven Shears, Citiz,Re*;
Anna Smith, Citiz,Re*;
Jack Smith, Citiz*,Re*;
Thomas Smith, Citiz*,Re*;
Emily South, Citiz*,Re*;
Max Southwood, Citiz*,Re*;
Ellesha Stafford, Citiz*,Re*;
Jaime Stewart, Citiz*,Re*;
Amy Strevens, Citiz*,Re*;
Megan Thomas, Citiz*,Re*;
Oliver Thompson, Citiz*,Re*;
Joseph Trim, Citiz*,Re*;
Michael Trim, Citiz*,Re*;
Lauren Tucker, Citiz,Re;
Lucy Underwood, Citiz,Re;
Zoe Vaughan, Citiz,Re;
Myles Verdon, Citiz*,Re*;
Thomas Warner-Brooks, Citiz,Re*;
Chelsey Weaver, Citiz*,Re*;
Alexander Webber, Citiz,Re;
Samuel Wheatley, Citiz,Re;
Georgia Wilcock-Ford, Citiz,Re;
Olivia Wilkins, Citiz*,Re*;
James Williams, Citiz,Re;
Full courses
Subjects and codes
A - Art
Ag - Art Graphics
Bcs - Business & Comm Sys
Da - Dance
Dr - Drama
Ca - DT Catering
Gr - DT Graphics
Rm - DT RM
Tx - DT Textiles
Engl - English Language
Eng - English
Elit - English Literature
Fr - French
G - Geography
H - History
Ict - ICT
M - Maths
Mu - Music
Pe - PE
Sc - Science
Scad - Science Additional
Scap - Science Applied
By - Biology
Chy - Chemistry
Phy - Physics
Sp - Spanish
Full course results
Bethany Adams, Ca*,Tx*,Eng,G,M*,Sc,Scap;
Mia Ashcroft, Ag*,Da*,Dr*,Engl*,Elit*,M*,Sc*,Scad*,Sp*;
Molly Asher, Dr,Tx,Engl*,Elit,G,M*,Sc,Scad;
Kieran Attwood, Ca,Rm,Eng,M*,Sc,Scap;
Megan Attwood, Tx*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G,M*,Sc,Scap*;
Jacob Baldwin, Rm*,Eng*,G,M*,Scap;
Declan Ballinger, Bcs*,Gr,Engl*,Elit*,Fr,G,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Jessica Biddle, Ca,Eng,M,Sc;
Jodie Birch, Da,Ca,Eng,M,Sc,Scap;
Harry Blake, Gr*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,M*,Pe*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Guy Boldero, Dr*,Engl*,Elit*,G*,H*,M*,Pe*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Samuel Brady, Ca*,Engl,Elit*,G,M*,Pe*,Sc,Scad;
Harvey Brook, Ag*,Dr*,Engl*,Elit*,G*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Claude Brown, Tx*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,M*,Mu*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Ruby Buckle, A*,Tx*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Stephanie Bullivant, A*,Tx,Eng,G,M*,Mu,Sc*,Scap*;
Samuel Burnside, Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,H*,M*,Pe*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Isabel Cadwallader-Rowles, Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G,M*,Mu,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Isabel Carpenter, Ag*,Da*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Shaun Carr, Eng,Fr,G,H,M,Pe,Sc,Scap;
Rhys Coates, Gr,Eng,M,Sc;
Ben Cockshull, Ca*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Louis Cooke, Bcs*,Ca*,Eng*,G,M*,Pe*,Sc,Scad;
Lauren Costello, Da*,Ca*,Engl*,Elit*,M*,Sc,Scad;
Alexander Cox, Ag*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,M*,Pe*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Joel Cox, Ca,Gr,Eng,M*,Sc,Scap;
Jacob Creed, Ag*,Gr*,Eng,H,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Jamie Creed, Ca,Eng,M,Sc;
Jack Cullimore, Ag*,Engl*,Elit*,G*,H*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*,Sp*;
Charlotte Dalby, Tx*,Engl*,Elit*,H*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Bethany Darling, Eng,G,M,Sc,Scap;
Nikita Davis, A*,Ca*,Gr,Eng,M*,Sc,Scap;
James Dean, Rm,Eng,Fr,G,M*,Sc*,Scad;
Benjamin Deane, Bcs*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G*,H*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Jacob Dickenson, Bcs*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,M*,Pe*,Sc*,Scad;
Charlotte Dietschmann, A*,Ca*,Tx*,Engl*,Elit*,G*,M*,Sc*,Scad*;
Andrew Dipple, Bcs*,Ca*,Engl*,Elit*,G*,H*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Lewis Dowdeswell, Ca,Eng,M,Sc;
Emily Drakeley, Tx*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*,Sp*;
Benjamin Drury, Ca*,Eng,G,M*,Sc*,Scad;
William Duggleby, Rm*,Engl*,Elit*,G*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*,Sp*;
Lauren Dyson, Eng,M,Sc;
Katherine Eagles, A*,Ca*,Engl*,Elit*,G*,M*,Sc*,Scad*;
Jordan Egan, A,Eng,M,Sc;
Philip Ellis, Engl*,Elit*,H*,M*,Pe*,Sc,Scad;
Freja Evans, A*,Ca*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G*,M*,Sc*,Scad*;
Jarren Evans, Ag,Eng,G,M,Sc;
Emily Fern, Gr*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Samantha Finn, Bcs*,Tx*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Bethany Foster, Engl*,Elit*,M*,Sc,Scad,Sp*;
Lola Freedman, A*,Tx*,Engl*,Elit*,G*,H*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Jacqueline Funnell, Ag*,Engl*,Elit*,G,M*,Pe*,Sc,Scad*;
Lucy Gardner, Tx*,Engl*,Elit*,H*,M*,Sc*,Scad*;
Jade Gobey, Bcs*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,M*,Pe*,Sc*,Scad*;
Katy Goff, Ca*,Eng,M,Sc;
Jake Green, Eng,M,Sc,Scad;
Victoria Hale, A*,Tx*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,H*,M*,Sc*,Scad*;
Holly Hammond, Ag*,Engl*,Elit*,G*,H*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*,Sp*;
Sophie Harry, Eng,M*,Sc,Scap;
Grace Hawker, Ag*,Bcs*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,M*,Mu*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Scott Hawkins, Ag*,Ca*,Eng,G,H,M,Sc,Scad;
Lily Hayward, Rm*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Sophia Heath, Tx*,Engl*,Elit*,H*,M*,Mu*,Sc*,Scad*,Sp;
Connor Heaven, Bcs*,Gr*,Engl*,Elit*,G*,M*,Sc*,Scad*;
Tegan Helbrow, Ag*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G*,H*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Matthew Hole, Ca*,Engl*,Elit*,G*,H*,M*,Pe*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Stanley Howlett, Dr,Ca*,Eng,H*,M*,Mu*,Sc*,Scad*;
Jordan Hulcoop, Ag*,Bcs,Gr*,Eng,M*,Sc,Scap*;
Leone Ingram, Bcs*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Matthew Johnson, A*,Ca*,Eng,G,M*,Sc,Scad;
Charlie Jones, Engl*,Elit*,Fr,H,M*,Sc*,Scad;
Gareth Jones, Dr*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr,H*,M*,Pe*,Sc,Scad;
Luke Jones, Engl*,Elit*,G*,H*,M*,Pe*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Rebekah Jones, Ag*,Dr*,Engl*,Elit*,M*,Mu*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Scott Kibblewhite, A*,Rm*,Engl*,Elit*,H*,M*,Mu*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Adrian King, Ag*,Bcs*,Gr*,Engl*,Elit*,M*,Mu*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Jones Ruby Kinnear, A*,Tx*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Toby Lane, Ca*,Rm*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Francesca Lata, A*,Tx*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Harry Leeming, Gr,Eng,M*,Sc,Scap;
Kirsty Lees, Ag*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G*,H*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Liam Linnane, Engl*,Elit,G*,H*,M*,Pe*,By,Chy,Phy*;
Francine Lister, Dr*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G*,H*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Caterina Lombardi, A*,Bcs*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr,G*,M*,Sc*,Scad*;
Thomas Mason, Gr,Eng,H,M*,Sc*,Scad;
Safia McGlynn, Ag*,Bcs*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Thomas McInerney, Bcs*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G*,M*,Pe*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Harriet McLaughlin, A*,Da*,Dr*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,M*,Sc*,Scad*;
Aaron Midwinter, Ca,Eng,M,Sc;
Keiran Miller, Dr*,Engl*,Elit*,H*,M*,Pe*,Sc,Scad;
Emma Minnican, Ag*,Bcs*,Engl*,Elit*,H*,M*,Pe*,Sc*,Scad*;
Benedict Morter, Dr*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G*,M*,Mu*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Amelia Mussett, Ag*,Dr*,Engl*,Elit*,H*,M*,Sc*,Scad*;
Pablo Muszasty, Dr*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*,Sp*;
James Nash, Rm,Eng,M,Sc;
Rachel Neale, Dr*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,H*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*,Sp*;
Ewan O'Kane, Engl*,Elit*,G*,H*,M*,Sc*,Scad*,Sp*;
Oliver Owen, Ca*,Eng,G,M,Sc;
Natalie Pearce, Da*,Ca*,Engl*,Elit*,G*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Alice Percival, Ag*,Bcs*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Laura Pitman, Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G*,M*,Sc*,Scad*;
Ben Pope, Bcs,Eng*,G,H,M*,Sc*,Scad;
Hugo Ramsey, A*,Engl*,Elit*,G*,M*,Mu*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Annabel Reindl, A*,Da*,Ca*,Engl*,Elit*,G,M*,By*,Chy,Phy*;
Hadley Restall, Ag,Rm,Eng,M*,Sc,Scad;
Samuel Roberts, Rm*,Engl*,Elit*,G*,Ict*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*,Sp*;
Shaun Saunders, A*,Ca,Rm,Eng,M,Sc,Scad;
Kezia Scawn, Ag*,Gr*,Eng,M*,Pe*,Sc*,Scap*;
Steven Shears, A*,Rm*,Eng,M*,Sc,Scap;
Anna Smith, Ca*,Eng,G,M*,Mu,Sc*,Scad;
Jack Smith, Ag,Bcs,Engl*,Elit*,G,H*,M*,Sc,Scad;
Thomas Smith, Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G*,H*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Emily South, A*,Ca*,Engl*,Elit*,M*,Mu*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Max Southwood, Ag,Engl*,Elit*,H*,M*,By*,Chy,Phy*;
Ellesha Stafford, A*,Bcs*,Dr*,Ca*,Engl*,Elit*,M*,Sc*,Scad*;
Jaime Stewart, Ca*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,M*,Mu*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Amy Strevens, Tx*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Megan Thomas, Ag*,Bcs*,Dr*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Oliver Thompson, Ag*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,M*,Sc,Scad;
Joseph Trim, A*,Dr*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Michael Trim, A*,Dr*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,G*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Lauren Tucker, Ca,Eng,M,Sc;
Lucy Underwood, A*,Eng*,G,M*,Sc,Scap*;
Zoe Vaughan, Eng,M,Sc;
Myles Verdon, Ag*,Engl*,Elit*,Fr*,M*,Mu*,By*,Chy*,Phy*;
Thomas Warner-Brooks, Eng,G,M*,Sc,Scad;
Chelsey Weaver, Ag*,Da*,Dr*,Engl*,Elit*,M*,By*,Chy*,Phy*,Sp*;
Alexander Webber, Eng,G,M,Sc,Scad;
Samuel Wheatley, Ca,Eng,G,M,Sc,Scad;
Georgia Wilcock-ford, A,Tx,Eng,M,Sc,Scap;
Olivia Wilkins, Ca*,Engl,Elit*,Fr,M*,By,Chy,Phy;
James Williams, A*,Ca,Tx,Eng,M,Sc,Scap;
Double courses
Subjects and codes
Hsc - Health & Social Care
Ict - ICT GCSE Double
Pe - PE Double
Double course results
Harry Blake, Ict*;
Claude Brown, Ict*;
Ruby Buckle, Ict*;
Samuel Burnside, Ict*;
Isabel Cadwallader-Rowles, Ict*;
Ben Cockshull, Ict*;
Lauren Costello, Hsc;
Alexander Cox, Ict*;
Jamie Creed, Hsc;
Charlotte Dalby, Hsc*;
Bethany Darling, Hsc;
William Duggleby, Ict*;
Lauren Dyson, Hsc*;
Katherine Eagles, Ict*;
Jordan Egan, Hsc;
Philip Ellis, Ict*;
Jarren Evans, Hsc;
Emily Fern, Ict*;
Lucy Gardner, Hsc*;
Jade Gobey, Hsc*;
Sophie Harry, Hsc*;
Lily Hayward, Ict*;
Matthew Hole, Pe*;
Leone Ingram, Hsc*;
Luke Jones, Ict*;
Rebekah Jones, Ict*;
Toby Lane, Ict*;
Liam Linnane, Ict*;
Aaron Midwinter, Hsc;
Emma Minnican, Pe*;
Natalie Pearce, Hsc*;
Laura Pitman, Hsc*,Ict*;
Hugo Ramsey, Ict*;
Thomas Smith, Ict*;
Emily South, Ict*;
Max Southwood, Ict*;
Jaime Stewart, Ict*;
Oliver Thompson, Ict*;
Joseph Trim, Ict*;
Michael Trim, Ict*;
Lauren Tucker, Hsc;
Lucy Underwood, Ict*;
Zoe Vaughan, Hsc;
Myles Verdon, Ict*;
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