RODBOROUGH parish councillor Brian Oosthuysen is urging fellow councillors in Stroud to support a government bill that empowers local people to improve their communities.

Mr Oosthuysen has written to politicians asking them to vote for the bill, which he believes could invigorate Stroud.

"The town is much better than it was," said Mr Oosthuysen.

"But it's still pretty grim and needs improving.

"Everybody in the local area should support this and I think all the political parties in Stroud will say yes to it.

"It has strong grass roots support around the country."

The bill covers four main areas - local services and economies, environmental protection, social inclusion and democratic participation.

Over the last decade communities have lost thousands of local shops and services, destroying local commerce, damaging the environment and causing social exclusion.

The bill, if it becomes law, will promote local needs by increasing the powers of parish councils to make their own decisions.