Stroud News and Journal - Memorials

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In Memoriam

Elizabeth Hall

HALL Elizabeth Loving memories of my wife and a wonderful mother to our children. Love Husband…
Published on 22/12/2021
In Memoriam

Hilda Margaret PRESCOTT

PRESCOTT Hilda Margaret 1st December 1934 to 14th December 2016 In Loving Remembrance of my Wife…
Published on 15/12/2021
In Memoriam

Penelope (Penny) Wride

WRIDE Penelope (Penny) 27th February 1949 - 8th December 2018 We meet every evening in the garden…
Published on 08/12/2021
In Memoriam

Clockhouse Sylvester

Sylvester Clockhouse Sylvester our practice cat peacefully crossed over the rainbow bridge on…
Published on 01/12/2021
In Memoriam

Sally England

ENGLAND Sally December 1st 2017 you left us. Remembered always, So missed. Treasured memories will…
Published on 01/12/2021
In Memoriam

Jamie Fletcher

FLETCHER Jamie (JFL) Birthday memory on 30th November of the musical magician JFL. 'Happy birthday…
Published on 01/12/2021
In Memoriam


CAMPBELL Sally of Paganhill Passed away on 23rd November 2020. A cherished wife, mum, gran and…
Published on 24/11/2021
In Memoriam

Audrey and George HALL

HALL Audrey and George In loving memory of Audrey Hall who sadly passed away on 13th November…
Published on 24/11/2021
In Memoriam

Julie Jones

JONES Julie In loving memory of Julie Jones 09.09.1960 - 08.11.2019 Beloved Wife and Mother to Ray…
Published on 10/11/2021
In Memoriam

Bobby and Jinny-Mae Roberts - Cook

ROBERTS - COOK Bobby and Jinny-Mae I loved you your whole life and will miss you the rest of mine…
Published on 10/11/2021
In Memoriam

Jane Eleanor PALMER

PALMER Jane Eleanor June 10th 1943 - November 12th 2013 Missed Every Day
Published on 10/11/2021
In Memoriam

Robert J Love

LOVE Robert J 4.8.1952 - 3.11.2019 In loving memory Thanking all our friends for your kind support…
Published on 03/11/2021