Stroud News and Journal - Memorials

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In Memoriam


BERGMAN Eric John 4th March 1947 - 10th March 2021 A beloved Brother and Uncle. Sadly missed.
Published on 09/03/2022
In Memoriam

Sadie Harrison (Norman)

HARRISON Sadie (Norman) Two years ago today Mum you sadly passed away 2nd March. Deep in our…
Published on 02/03/2022
In Memoriam

Leonard (Tulip) HALLIDAY

HALLIDAY Leonard (Tulip) February 26th, 1979. Never more than a thought away, loved and remembered…
Published on 23/02/2022
In Memoriam

Mary and Harold Strathern

STRATHERN Mary and Harold Remembering with love. Dear Mum - 2001 Dear Dad - 1970 From the Family.…
Published on 02/02/2022
In Memoriam

George Edward Timms

TIMMS George Edward In loving memory of my dear George who passed away 2nd February 2015. Still…
Published on 02/02/2022
In Memoriam

Jim Sharpe

SHARPE Jim 28.01.05 Remembering dear Jim. Loved and missed always by his Family. xxx
Published on 02/02/2022
In Memoriam


HALLIDAY Millie Today 19th January Our birthday memories of a special mum. Always in our hearts…
Published on 19/01/2022
In Memoriam

Albert Edward Bainbridge

BAINBRIDGE Albert Edward Passed away 25th January 2021 Dearly loved Husband, Father, Brother,…
Published on 19/01/2022
In Memoriam

Julie Brown

BROWN Julie Eleven years have passed In loving memory of my dear Wife From your loving Husband…
Published on 12/01/2022
In Memoriam

Martin Harper

HARPER Martin 5th January 2019. Although you sleep in heaven now, You're not that far away, Our…
Published on 05/01/2022
In Memoriam

Julie Brown

BROWN Julie Eleven years have passed In loving memory of my dear Wife From your loving Husband…
Published on 22/12/2021
In Memoriam

Barbara and Ron Wright

WRIGHT Barbara and Ron Remembering the special Christmas memories that we had together Love from…
Published on 22/12/2021